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  1. Fabius

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    Very much in agreement with this. This needs to be trained both individually and together and on targets different than the 3D photo realistic or reactive targets as I think we need to be able to score the results objectively against a time and accuracy standard. Once the marksmanship is at a...
  2. Fabius

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    I am not convinced there is much difference between saying that the CPC vision and policies are “cold, cruel and small” and how some LPC members think of those who support those policies and vision.
  3. Fabius

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    I would have to go through the versions of CAFOSP again in detail to be 100% but I don’t believe there is any regard for anatomical POA/POI. The scoring rings for the B27 or the Fig 11 rectangle is merely for grouping size not lethality on a human target. I agree with your assessment of the B27...
  4. Fabius

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    Outside of the typical Fig 11 and Fig 12 Targets, the CAFOSP references the B27 Target as equivalent. The Urban Operator Course uses the B27 target and its associated scoring rings for measurement of accuracy in relation to time. The standards are deliberately generous though, with both carbine...
  5. Fabius

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    This is true but it’s still concerning if your the LPC. The average turnout for the last 20 years during a general election has been about 55-60,000. Of that the LPC has generally held in around 55% support. The 36,962 votes cast is maybe only 60% of what we would see in a general election...
  6. Fabius

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    I don’t disagree at all. The entire change and roll out was typical of the CA currently I think. Change management and the alignment of personnel, equipment, training and support etc. is not always well understood or integrated into a change. The units will keep pushing back on increased...
  7. Fabius

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    The overall initial results from the new PWTs is that they are more difficult to pass, especially if shot cold aside from zeroing. PWT 1 old and new are very similar but the key difference is in standing. It’s gone from 50cm max to 40cm. It’s also gone from being points for grouping sizes to a...
  8. Fabius

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    PWT 1 is all 5rnd groupings from 100m. Max allowed grouping sizes are as follows: Prone 20cm, Sitting 28cm, Kneeling 28cm and Standing 40cm. PWT 2 is Prone, Snap Prone, Standing to Prone, Kneeling, Standing to Kneeling all done at 200m. It finishes with a 200m to 100m run down into the...
  9. Fabius

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    I am reasonably confident stating that the CA has no idea what it’s soldiers hit ratio is at any distance from any position. I am not tracking that data being recorded anywhere in any form institutionally. Given that lack of data how do you design anything. Anyone changing CAFOSP is likely...
  10. Fabius

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    Access issues aside it’s real as per the CANLANGEN issued this spring. As per that msg it superseded the previous version and the new version was the only valid CAFOSP for qualification, however due to deltas between the infrastructure, ammunition and the new CAFOSP, CADTC about two weeks ago...
  11. Fabius

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    I’m going to say that CAFOSP is actually not terrible at building marksmanship in terms of any large institutional program. Have you tried the new PWTs yet? Where the institution goes astray is that no one actually follows CAFOSP. It’s rare to actually shoot all the practices leading to a PWT...
  12. Fabius

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    So it does. Interesting that ORBAT is not what I have seen on the ground in any Bn so far but that's likely due to not having weapons other than C7/8. Fitted for but not with. I was not tracking the DLR minor cap program, it seems that it has made it through to having funding allocated with...
  13. Fabius

    Houthi Red Sea Blockade

    Continuing engagements in the Red Sea. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c800j14y38xo https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-navy-faces-most-sustained-combat-since-wwii-against-yemens-iran-backed-houthis/amp/ I wonder if we will see any HMCS vessels joining the USN and others anytime.
  14. Fabius

    Infantry Vehicles

    The Personnel Replacement System in the US Army This is an interesting read of the US Army Personnel Replacement Systems from the Continental Army through to WW2. The system in WW2 was one of individuals but they tried to send the replacements to the units during pauses in combat when the...
  15. Fabius

    Infantry Vehicles

    Best practice based off of WW2 and post WW2 seems to be that you replace units and formations once they hit an unacceptable level of losses. They are replaced by depth units and the expended units are rebuilt with pers and equipment from holding units while out of contact. It gives the units...
  16. Fabius

    Infantry Vehicles

    I’m not opposed to back up crews and I don’t think the premise of backup crews precludes having a unit with two coys of one MOSID and another two coys of another MOSID nor does it preclude having additional MOSID sub occupations positions within the sub unit filling jobs in the Coy HQ or CQ...
  17. Fabius

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    Not going with a CCO to trial is an interesting choice I agree, especially because the CA already has the baseline experience with a fixed power optic in the Elcan. The fixed 5x optics aren’t really going to give much new data other than a BDC reticle but the LPVOs could cover that.
  18. Fabius

    Infantry Vehicles

    I’m not sure what the LAV is either, however my experience has always been with the LAV 3 and 6 integrated into a cbt team with MBTs and an Engr breeching capability acting in a manner very similar to a US Bradley Coy or a UK Armoured Inf Coy. The dismounted actions were usually in support of...
  19. Fabius

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    Those aren’t the optics being considered for the actual C8A4 / CMAR. They are just representative optics that were available for the trial rifles. The actual optic trial is apparently supposed to occur later at an undefined date. The low powered variable optic class to which the Burris and...
  20. Fabius

    Infantry Vehicles

    If training time is short and compressed that’s an argument for specialization as you don’t have time to get generalists to an acceptable level of expertise.