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  1. King of Kandahar

    Purpose of Reserve Maintenance trades?

    As cheesy as this is, a QL5 tech is the only one qualified to sign off repairs/insp in any 400 series trade.  At V&R PL, 2 GS Bn (RIP) we have our MRT's set-up with a QL5 Cpl and 1-3 QL3/QL4 qual on the team.  QL3's work with less and less over-the-shoulder supervision as they prove/improve...
  2. King of Kandahar

    Purpose of Reserve Maintenance trades?

    Quite right.  It's funny you should mention this, the CF has been using CUPE Civi techs to repair Commercial Pattern equipment for years (another beef, but I won't venture down that path...) but also in the late '90's SMP was reparied "downtown" at private repair shops under ASD.  I know this is...
  3. King of Kandahar

    Purpose of Reserve Maintenance trades?

    I got 'ya.  Like I said, I had no intention of bashing.  There has to be a reform in the reserves in regards to trg/employment.  Much like the Air Res or US Army Reserve.  Have equiv trg for regs and reserves in all MOS'.  Then when it comes time for tours, restructure the employment pd.  It...
  4. King of Kandahar

    Purpose of Reserve Maintenance trades?

    I do believe that each Res unit should have an Integral Maint org staffed by Reg Force techs.  As you indicated above "an FCS tech would have fixed in a half hour or so" there are no Res FCS techs, therefore the repairs were by Reg techs.  "Most frustrating when it's relatively simply repairs...
  5. King of Kandahar

    Purpose of Reserve Maintenance trades?

    Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to flame anyone... I don't think there should be Reserve Maint trades.  In fact, any Res support trade. It seems more and more, that their sole purpose is to go on Tour in place of Reg force techs.  The problem with this is that it creates a false...