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  1. J

    Sep 18th in St Jean?

    Well, If by responsible you mean, you pay your own way to get there and they'll re-imburse you in 6-8 weeks, then hell yes DND takes care of everything...  saying that the military will take care of everything you need isn't exactly true.  There is approx 200$ or more needed to be spent to get...
  2. J

    Sep 18th in St Jean?

    Excellent, Well that settles that... thank-you for the prompt response. Cheers Jinpa
  3. J

    Sep 18th in St Jean?

    Hello all, As I understand it there is a BMQ starting in Borden on Sep 18th, but my brother just got his call and was told that he will be doing his BMQ in St Jean starting the 18th.  Can anyone confirm this, as the recruiter at CFRC Ottawa was out for the rest of the week.  My thinking here...
  4. J

    PRETC thread (merged)

    Hi There, The original poster is not too far off.  The problem is definently understaffing.  Mcpl Pronovost god bless him is one of the best PRETC staff there and he'll be the first to admit, that they are WAY understaffed.  Shitpumps flourish there for sure, the problem being that alot of the...
  5. J

    Borden vs St. Jean

    Grayman is right... Borden is merely having some growing pains, but when I was in Borden sitting in good' ol PRETC I saw some Borden BMQ grads... and ... well... Uhh... I don't know what to say.  In Borden, BMQ recruits are put 4 to a room, as opposed to St. Jean, where you're all stuffed in...
  6. J

    QL3 without SQ?

    Hello, Just a quick question about SQ.  Currently I am with PRETC in Borden.  I am an LCIS tech (227), and my course schedule is as follows: SQ - March 13th - April 28th (Meaford) POET - May 9th - Dec 5th (Kingston) QL3 - Jan 17th - sometine in June (Kingston) Here is my problem,  I missed my...
  7. J

    Going stale over Christmas?

    Hello, I'm not new to these boards but this is my first post here.  I am Currently in Week 6 BMQ in St Jean, our Platoon was sent home after day 4 of the 6th week.  My question is this... How much rust does our staff realistically expect us to have? I mean our Platoon learned how to present...