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  1. Japexican


    I'm surprised that this discussion hasn't come up on the rotorhead board... I know that there were some reservations about the Griffon's performance in the high and hot Afghan environment.  With the Griffon crash earlier this summer, nobody's been talking brownout.  The DFS lists the following...
  2. Japexican

    Applying from outside Canada (Merged)

    I was in the exact same situation 6 yrs ago.  I graduated RMC in 08, came from Texas, doing pilot crap now.  I`ll try to address everything, but it`s been awhile, so I`ll probably miss something. Step 1:  Call the recruiting centre in Ottawa.  They are the ones that handle the recruiting for...
  3. Japexican

    Small Plane Crashes in to Richmond Apartment

    Sounds like he lost one engine then went below his Vmc (minimum control) speed... which would explain the transition into nose dive described.  When you lose an engine, it creates a yaw in the aircraft.  When you go slow enough, there isn't enough airflow over the rudder to counteract the engine...
  4. Japexican

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    The US exchanges are done with the military academies in the states (army, navy, air force) and sponsored by the mil col.  I'd ask your ULO, since it has been done (I know a girl that did a full year at IIT in India).  As long as you can prove that you will be able to graduate on time and it...
  5. Japexican

    Ottawa to fund relaunch of CMR

    wow... this next year should be pretty interesting around the college.  The funny thing is that cadets are only going to hear about it through the rumour mill, or when they get back in September.  Oh well, as long as morning walks and daily parades disappear, I won't complain. Prepare to engage...
  6. Japexican


    You can bring it if you want.  There is a parking lot just outside the main gates (~1 km from the dorms)... however, it would probably be cheaper to leave it and save the gas/insurance money.  Your insurance probably stipulates that you have to be in BC for a certain percentage of time (8...
  7. Japexican

    Conditions ROTP

    Well, I'm on exchange right now in Colorado and I have/am participating in training as well as school, including being on staff for their basic training.  If the rule doesn't apply to RMC ocdt's, I don't see why it should apply to civy-u's.  Obviously, they don't want you to just up and leave...
  8. Japexican

    RMC Class of 2010

    Well, since this has exploded into quite the topic, I'd figure that I would throw in my 2 cents from my ongoing experience as an RMC ocdt... The thing is: both sides have valid points to make even though I'll side with the army guys.  I am on exchange right now with the USAF and frankly, I've...
  9. Japexican

    RMC Class of 2010

    Sorry for the double post...  By the way, Freddie G didn't "hurt my feelings", so I'll try not to cry myself to sleep tonight. I'm not in the army, so I hope that I don't get accused of spewing "army hoorah bullshit" but... In second year, there is no difference between the army guys and the...
  10. Japexican

    RMC Class of 2010

    That's why I said the question asked in the article was stupid... it makes it seem like many of us are in it only for the money.  Everybody in the military makes money, this doesn't mean that we signed up for just that reason.
  11. Japexican

    RMC Class of 2010

    "Many of the cadets are similarly frank about that financial issue -- and it can be discomfiting. RMC offers a lot of opportunity: direction for the aimless, a sense of belonging and solid job prospects. But it also offers a tuition waiver, a $15,000 annual paycheque and cheap room and board. Is...
  12. Japexican

    Panel Interview

    Principles of Leadership 1.  Achieve professional competence. 2.  Evaluate your own strengths and limitations and pursue self improvement. 3.  Seek and accept responsibility. 4.  Lead by example. 5.  Make sure that your followers know your meaning and intent, then lead them to the...
  13. Japexican

    Media Bias [Merged]

    The response is up on the website... the thread is a bit old, but its interesting to see how it resolved itself.  Never pass a fault and all that.  The report is a few pages long, so I figured I'd just post the highlight.  I'm sure somebody could probably write a nice article about the CBC...
  14. Japexican


    Kincanucks is right about the process being different for RMC than the civy-u guys.  Make sure you get on top of the VOR situation it as soon as you identify your chain of command (once you are done IAP) and let them know of your plans (even though you might not be VORing until much later). ...
  15. Japexican

    ACS Anyone? - Sept

    If you want to be a pilot, you only need to pass the pilot testing in Trenton and pilot medical in Toronto.  For airnavs, you need to pass the nav test and the nav medical.  You can fail the airnav test and still become a pilot. 
  16. Japexican

    ACS Anyone? - Sept

    "check altitude", "check heading", "check airspeed"  ;D The three phrases you will come to know and love.  On a serious note, all you can really do is to keep mentally focused and don't panic.  Show up to the training sessions well rested and "fly the plane, don't let the plane fly you" (don't...
  17. Japexican

    Why everybody loves pilots

    http://chairforce.com/easy-chair/videos-music/music/pilot-song.wma The band (Dos Gringos) is made up of 2 fighter pilots and they have a couple good songs out there.  A couple of USAF guys introduced me to the band and I thought I'd share the love... AVN techs will like this one. Warning...
  18. Japexican

    Women in the German Army

    Haha, she moves like she is 9 months pregnant :o
  19. Japexican


    Yep, SLT was an all day affair just like school, for 7 weeks (for RMC guys last year) and it gets old pretty quick (taking a single subject all day with the same teacher).  However, the breaks are long, it is fun to speak (butcher) another language, and hang out with the buds.  If you are in...
  20. Japexican

    Basic Up?

    I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror... Who comes up with this stuff anyways?  This definetly ranks up there with the girl on the radio.  I was working out when I heard that one, everyone was looking around thinking the same thing "wtf". ???