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  1. meanjoe

    SigOp Kit

    Well seems a bit of bull shit complaining going on. Military is military weather reg or reserve, I am reg myself but I know alot of good moe's. Now you cannot base an opinion on people because some one is part time. I know a few idiots that are reg and I would take the moe's over them anyday...
  2. meanjoe

    new to the trade

    LOL Thats awsome!!!! Just tie the darn things down. Advice hummmm.... Listen, right down what you can, dont say repeat (except where I am with the guns) Become good at making your coffee. Eat when you have a chance and when in doubt rack out. And your in luck they re vamped the 3's and 5's...
  3. meanjoe

    What is your military status?

    Army......... Sig Op 215.... 1 RCHA CFB Shilo, MB
  4. meanjoe

    BMQ final PT test

    I must say it is not interesting.... Level 6 min, well 6.5 is better... 19 pushups 19 situps and 75Kg on the grip test (combined score of both hands). thats the min for males under 33 I believe. I think thats the age... if your under 30 ..... thats it for sure. When I did it, I did 30 pushups 30...
  5. meanjoe

    bad runner

    Well I must say there Para, I agree with the no standards deal.... and yes each person joining should check on the type of tests that they will be doing at the recruiting office that they are going to... thats where the will find the correct info, some offices are different. For instance I...
  6. meanjoe

    Folks Going To BMQ Quebec, Nov.6th

    Hey no problem... always like to help. Man I was reading my last post and what a mess of typo's LOL. Anway if you want any advice just ask. I can tell you all I know But you are the one whom needs to do the work. Oh yeah remember your Service number, know it well cause thats who you are. When...
  7. meanjoe

    GF is harrasing me to ask this: How often can we contact family during BMQ?

    Well people I agree that people should get time to talked to loved ones but at the same time it should be limited. When we are away for long periods of time, sometimes I see the meanest looking soldier cry just because he is reminded of his children as he just finished talking to them on the...
  8. meanjoe

    St. Jean BMQ - Inspection photos

    Not bad, That must be the green section. It was overbooked when I went. I had to stay in the blue sector. I had to have alot more stuff on the bed, but ever instructor is different. keep up the good work. Cpl. Brown 1 RCHA
  9. meanjoe

    Folks Going To BMQ Quebec, Nov.6th

    good luck you all... dont worry its not that bad... remember its a head game, they are trying to get the civilian attitude out of ya, a yes you better work together, or you guys will suffer lol I mean it. I did basic 2002, I am now a QL5 Cpl, I worked hard and was advanced promoted. Now I am...
  10. meanjoe

    Need Some Clairfication

    :cdn: Well my friend dont worry you should get in. And in regaurds to your schooling as long as you have a grade 10 minimum you are going to be treated as everyone else. You have passed all the tests I believe you said, then at the end you should have been given your options of the trades that...