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  1. F

    when does rations/board come off your pay?

    I know I'm digging this post up from a couple months back, however it seems to have some useful information for people wanting to know about financial issues while away from home. I've heard some people say "They pay for your food, and a roof over your head", 'They' being the CF. I wasn't...
  2. F

    Questions about income and parents view of the CF

    Yeah, my dad was born in 56. So perhaps that's part of it. :) I'm 20 years old now, with a college certificate under my belt, I think part of it is also that my dad wants me to do something in the field I studied in, computer systems technology. However, that's not what I want to do now. I...
  3. F

    Questions about income and parents view of the CF

    Natural rightness... nice.
  4. F

    Questions about income and parents view of the CF

    Thanks a lot for the replies guys. Like I said, I'm joining, it's not about the pay. I'll search through forums for relative material to show the old man. I realize it is my decision, but I got a certain respect for my father ;P Thanks again. Cheers.
  5. F

    Questions about income and parents view of the CF

    I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, however, here it goes. I am currently in the process of getting the forms filled out etc to join the CF. I have thought about this a lot over the last few months, and it's what I really want to do. However I have some questions that I...
  6. F

    Pre joining research.

    I will keep that in mind for the future, thanks for your input. :)
  7. F

    Pre joining research.

    Can anyone else confirm this? I have taken Biology and Physics, but my current understanding is that I also need Chemistry. Do I need to pick Chem up or is Physics a substitue? From Canadian Forces official website under Medical Technician: "Medical Technicians must have completed high school...
  8. F

    Question about medication restrictions for recruitment

    Thanks for the welcome. Thanks for the info also. I haven't started the application process, just gathering information over the next couple months. I'll be going soon to the recruiting center to ask questions, just wanted to get a little heads up on this topic before hand. Thanks again, I'll...
  9. F

    Question about medication restrictions for recruitment

    I am extremely interested in joining the Canadian Forces, however I have some doubts sticking in the back of my mind. I have high blood pressure, however it is controlled down to a normal pressure by one 30mg Adalat XL pill per day. I also take one 20mg Prozac pill per day to steady out a...