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  1. 23007

    Jetstream - The Series

    Too bad for Tim Coffin. At the end of the episode they mentioned he is now going thru multi engine school. Too bad he got pulled off of it to go back to Moose Jaw to instruct.
  2. 23007

    Jetstream - The Series

    He WAS on the old syllabus but now he's been voluntold to instruct in Moose Jaw.
  3. 23007

    Jetstream - The Series

    Looks like he's heading back to Moose Jaw to instruct with Capt Mike Dunning....
  4. 23007

    Slotted for PFT

    I agree with SF2. When I did PFT I went in with zero hours and didn't even know what chocks were. I passed without any major problems and then went thru BFT with only the hours I gained from PFT. I have never even seen the inside of a Cessna or other similar civi aircraft. Go in there cold with...
  5. 23007

    Buying a house on posting to 2CFFTS

    I bought a house in Moose Jaw after I finished the course. I finished the course last may and knew that I would have a long time to wait before heading to Portage so I bought a house with some "business" partners. We bought it before the housing market exploded so it turned out to be a good...
  6. 23007

    Jetstream - The Series

    Max, isn't the G-course done on 2B different from the centrifuge done at 410? I think you go there twice. But I could be wrong...
  7. 23007

    Jetstream - The Series

    I know who fails off but I'm NOT saying! It's definitely NOT Shamus. For all the twitching that guy does, he is an amazing pilot.
  8. 23007

    Jetstream - The Series

    He's in Portage now on the multi course.
  9. 23007

    PFT post-solo dunking in -25C!!!

    Bograt, if only we had a video of YOU from the flight welcome party posted on here...now That would have been rediculous. Looking forward to your solo party....it can only get better!!
  10. 23007

    What should I do during OJT?

    pipstah, you know you're not going anywhere....so just sit back in the flight and keep playing tea games. After 5 weeks in tasker and a couple of weeks of admin then maybe you will get out of here! lol
  11. 23007

    What should I do during OJT?

    Hollywood, I spent about 14 months in bagtown at 425. its an amazing squadron. Treat them right, and they'll treat YOU right. I arrived there in May and did AMT in august so I didn't get my first ride until after that. But you don't need AMT to get a single ride. You just need a waiver signed by...
  12. 23007

    Moose Jaw!

    Max, I don't know if you have seen this video but if you go to this link: http://video.google.ca/ I don't want to give the exact link but if you type in something along the lines of "I hate the snowbirds" in the search bar then you will get another inspirational video Disclaimer: I did not...
  13. 23007

    Transfer from Army to AF?

    Krieger, I've done exactly what you want to do. I was a private in the reserves and I am now going through pilot training. I did something different from what other reservists-turned-regforce did. I released from the reserves and got re-sworn in to the reg force during the same day. My reserve...
  14. 23007

    Moose Jaw!

    Max, you're finally coming here ! I'll see you in March SF2...Donkey is my current instructor :brickwall:
  15. 23007

    Peculiar Dilemma

    First, I would definitely recommend joining the reserves. I joined my local reserve unit in Grade 12, completed QL2 (which means you can walk and chew gum at the same time) and then I switched over to ROTP. The process was not lengthy at all as the CFRC already had my paperwork from joining the...
  16. 23007

    what pilots do when they are not flying?

    -How do you know if there's a fighter pilot at a party? -He'll tell you!
  17. 23007

    Bagotville and English [Merged]

    Well I spent about 14 months in Bagotville and it has its up and downs. I had BBB in SLT going up there and it did help as I would have been totally lost if I couldn't communicate. I ended up getting an apartment in Chicoutimi with 2 other friends of mine and it was amazing. I would definitely...
  18. 23007

    Decent Pilot OJTs

    I have done two OJT's so far in my relatively short career. My first one was in 2004 at 430ETAH in Valcartier. I was only there for 2 months and got a chance to see some really cool TacHel flying. So much so, that it convinced me to go TacHel. My other OJT was at 425 ETAC in Bagotville. I was...
  19. 23007

    Interest in an Officer/BOTC/RMC FAQ?

    1) Officer Cadet 2) Officer Cadet 3) http://www.forces.gc.ca/dgcb/dppd/pay/engraph/OfficerRegFPayRate_e.asp?sidesection=3&sidecat=28
  20. 23007

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Myself and both of my roommates graduated from RMC last year. One is mech eng, the other is politics, and I am business. Both of them had 2 OPMES to finish after grad and I only had one to do as Business students get 5 of the course while at the college. So engineering is no different from arts...