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  1. North Star

    Cox: Canadians need to get smarter about intelligence-gathering

    Intelligence only works if you have a strategy. Then, you can set priorities, calculate gain/loss against risk, and decide what way you want to pursue collection. I suspect Canada's issue is not intelligence education, it's primarily deciding on a national strategy in line with national interests.
  2. North Star

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    I'm feeling a tad bit validated after being viciously attacked by my peers in 2006ish for expressing regret Canada did not choose to contribute to BMD. My argument at the time that even if it wasn't 100pc, the data exchange benefits alone would help other areas. Well, this certainly proves the...
  3. North Star

    South Alberta Light Horse Regiment to amalgamate with larger reserve force

    Hasn't this been quietly happening with the new "Tactical Groupings" mentioned above wrt the Brockville Rifles and PWOR? Also agree that this is like moving one set of deck chairs to another level of the Titanic.
  4. North Star

    RCAF IntO Posting

    Congrats! You're heading into the fighter force at an interesting time, and I suggest you focus your PD on 5th Gen data networks as well as the usual opfor fighter stuff. Other than that, just "do." At about the 3 year mark, either push to Winnipeg (to mingle with the Air Ops folks) or start to...
  5. North Star

    RCAF IntO Posting

    A blank space for the Int O career manager is CFINTCOM.
  6. North Star

    U.S. gun crime, health insurance woes scare off Canadian diplomats

    Meh, union's gonna union. If they can get a concession in the former of higher allowances for FSO in the USA based on these arguments, they can up allowances in countries that are actually very bad.
  7. North Star

    Bow Hunting Vs Rifle Hunting

    Sigh. Your description of archery just described my efforts at skeet.
  8. North Star

    RCAF IntO Posting

    Int O here. My suggestion? Cold Lake, followed by Trenton, Winnipeg, and then Ottawa. In Ottawa, try to get to the operational level (eg CJOC of the JIOC). Going strat early does have advantages, but going to tactical later is harder as the expectations are higher and the learning curve is...
  9. North Star

    Updated Army Service Dress project

    I wish I had known that the last time I ordered Oxfords, which was three years ago. They still look like crap.
  10. North Star

    The Great Gun Control Debate- 2.0

    Further to my last...a thought. Fluffy pablum, but also an excuse to make C-21 a confidence motion? Perhaps get the NDP to trigger an election on a issue the LPC will want to fight in the suburbs of Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver?
  11. North Star

    The Great Gun Control Debate- 2.0

    Wow. I just skim-read Volume 4 of the MCC report very quickly and have to say, it really makes some logical leaps. The recommendations about "Reducing Gun Lethality" in Volume 4, Part D really do rely on generalizations from case studies in AUS, NZL, and the UK without addressing if violence...
  12. North Star

    OMM Revocation

    Saw the first picture and thought the "silver mullets" was referring to the armoured horses. Meh, can't win them all. As for my original question, it's a piece of trivia I'll probably wonder about at Christmas parties when I'm trying to get to buzzed
  13. North Star

    OMM Revocation

    Weird obscure protocol thing: now that he's no longer a holder of an OMM, doesn't he lose the silver-mullet cougars?
  14. North Star

    Canadian Military can work in Europe and Asia at the same time

    I had a New Zealander as a boss who taught me to ask "with this new priority, where can I now fail?" It makes me a hit at O Gps, but I'm now finding people are actually answering that question.
  15. North Star

    40th Anniversary of the Intelligence Branch

    Most of the celebrations have been pushed to later in November, since a 40 year old trying to keep up with a Queens kid celebrating homecoming usually doesn't end well for the 40 year old...
  16. North Star

    tomahawk axe

    This seems to be the Canadian Army equivalent of "hipster-ism."
  17. North Star

    Happy 118th Birthday, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

    Happy Birthday! FYI - RCCS mbr are welcome to the Int Branch/C Int C events next month!
  18. North Star

    On the Toxicity of the ‘Warrior’ Ethos

    Sigh. Every year I make it a habit to write up a non-succession planned SNCO who has done amazing things for the ORMM, and every year it goes nowhere. Reading this string makes me want to give up!
  19. North Star

    New Dress Regs 🤣

    Oh, don't worry...I'd slam all the PAOs too.