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  1. ZacLeChasseur

    Release Item 5F - Questions Release or Reenrollment (Merged)

    So because I wanted to quit, me, at 16yrs old to finish my high school and start Cegep (QC), Im not advantageously employable......I requested to leave, it was voluntary. I was not on the NES list and I wanted to still have chance to get back in the army later so I decided to quit to not be on...
  2. ZacLeChasseur

    Release Item 5F - Questions Release or Reenrollment (Merged)

    ''A 5(d) release is not something given out just because "that's what they were giving".'' Sorry but yes that what they said to me, I did nothing wrong to receive the Not Advantageously Employable status, I called my unit and they did a lot a research for me and thats what they said, if I was a...
  3. ZacLeChasseur

    5D Release

    Hi, When I left the reserve in 07, they gave me a 5d ( because apparently thats what they were giving, it was a voluntary release, not during a course, etc) What I want to know is : Will I need the CDS to sign my application to go in the Reg (rtop, deo) like in the reserve or is it different...
  4. ZacLeChasseur

    Caffeine pills - they're bad mmmkay

    funny how you can drink a coffee in the morning during BMQ but cant take a pill with the same amount of caffeine than about 2 coffee thanks logic !
  5. ZacLeChasseur

    Reserve re-enrollement 5D

    Niceeeeeeeeeeeeee      >:(
  6. ZacLeChasseur

    Reserve re-enrollement 5D

    Hi, Ive learned a few weeks ago that I had a 5d release from the reserve when I left in 2006...I was 16 at the time with no car and unfortunatly, my unit 6r22 is in fact ''2'' unit one in my city and another one 45 min from my city. I was young with no car and since I only had my BMQ...
  7. ZacLeChasseur

    Petit Probleme(QSPP1versus436)

    En fais je ne pourrai rien faire car c'est divisé en 2 Début juillet, fin juillet et l'examen est au début aout et sa fait beaucoup de semaine de moins sa ! Le probleme maintenant c'est que je ne sais pas ou appeller, jai appeller mon régiment mais il y a personne. im in the shit, big shit
  8. ZacLeChasseur

    Petit Probleme(QSPP1versus436)

    Bon....Je suis supposer partir dimanche le 25 et revenir le 12 aout mais Malheureusment, jai échouer l'examen 436 lol........ Je pourrais refaire des cours du 24 au 28 juillets et ensuite faire l'examen le 2 aout. Mais si je fais sa, je pourrais pas faire mon QS et PP1. Je viens tout juste de...