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Search results

  1. rpatno

    Explosive device seized at Victoria ferry dock

    Yea... like the dude said above, if you try to bring anything in WE WILL FIND YOU. People bringing that kind of stuff into canada, however small and using their daughter as a front to hide it... well i hate to sound evil and saddistic but if out borderguards were armed i would have them to shoot...
  2. rpatno

    Canada copying americans

    :cdn: :army: :cdn: Yea... sorry i always get carried away, usually off topic. Im bad at staying on topic. If my old SS11 notes are correct, after WWII we had something to the tune of 750,000 air force personell, 450,000 - 500,000 navy personell ( Including Merchant ships ) and land forces...
  3. rpatno

    Canada copying americans

    Well it essentially the same thing, but what else could you really put in an army recruiting site. There isnt a wide variety of slogans and "An army of one" isĀ  not hard to think up - the americans just used it first. Its not copying so much as it is using what is available. Isnt out slogan...
  4. rpatno

    Basic Training

    Cool thanks for the info. I thought i would get send to Alberta ( where my hometown is. ) I checked out that basic training video. The weather in victoria is good, it was close 30 on monday. Allright thanks :sniper:
  5. rpatno

    Basic Training

    :cdn: :army: :cdn: Allright, before you critisize, Im not one of those kids who see this as a last resort or a fallback option. I have wanted to do this since i knew what the army was. I have done a lot of research. There are still some things i need to know. 1. I live in Victoria, BC and I...