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Search results

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    medical test for reserves

    I applied for infantry and my medical test is scheduled for sometime in october. My question is.... #1. If you need to wear glasses and have average myopia, does that disqualify you? #2. If the doctor diagnosed you with depression and prescribed you anti-depressants, does that disqualify you...
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    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Thanks everyone. Tommorow, I will go to the recruitement office to check things out.
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    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    The sergeant told us a corporal would be there shortly to speak with us, after 5 minutes the sergeant came back to tell us the corporal was unavailable right now and that we were free to leave. Before leaving, he toldĀ  us that the recruitement office would call each of us at home.
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    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Hello, my name is Philippe and I want to enter the infantry reserves. I took the CFAT about two months ago, when the test was finished the sergeant supervising our test called out the names of about 4/5 of the group and asked them to follow him back to the reception area. When the sergeant came...