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  1. DVessey

    Current/Past Officer Cadets

    Currently Computer Engineering at RMC, class of 2008
  2. DVessey

    Apple Vs. PC at RMC

    Your own computer is definately a nice convenience, especially if you like working late into the night. I believe they lock up the labs around 12 or so. Don't worry too much about the trunk. I never even bothered to get one. Extra kit is either kept in your room (all your military kit (ie/...
  3. DVessey

    Apple Vs. PC at RMC

    Nope, not yet anyway. You have to buy internet, or get a wireless card and find a friend with a wireless router nearby. (for anyone attending, don't worry. you'll be able to sort that stuff out after FYOP). As for apple VS PC.. I've never had an apple, but I would like to get a mac laptop (I...
  4. DVessey

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Swiffers are good for a quick dusting. Those mr. clean magic erasers are great for getting marks off the floor.
  5. DVessey

    Interest in an Officer/BOTC/RMC FAQ?

    I've been hanging around these boards and another one for awhile now, asking and then helping to answer the many questions about ROTP, RMC, BOTC, etc. From my limited experience, there seems to be a lot of questions that get asked many times over. What I propose is something similar to the...
  6. DVessey

    Priorities of new entries to Mil Col

    I remember myself being concerned about what I would be allowed to have in my room during IAP and FYOP, and whether computers were allowed and all this other stuff that I eventually came ot realize doesn't matter that much. I don't mind answering all the questions people have about RMC, I can...
  7. DVessey

    Ship goods to Kingston

    Unless you've got some reserve time in as an officer or something, I believe you mean IAP, not BOTP (two separate courses) Anyway, doesn't really make a difference. Your recruiter was probably talking about CMTT (can't recall what it stands for at the moment - they move your boxes of stuff from...
  8. DVessey

    Leave Policy – Weekends (time off) Merged]

    I just finished first year at RMC. For me, it went like this: IAP, straight to RMC. FYOP (aka recruit term) for four weeks. During IAP, you can get some weekend leave after the first four weeks. I know a lot of francos saw their family almost every weekend if they lived close to St. Jean...
  9. DVessey

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Close, but not quite. Your first summer you do IAP. That's it, that's all you have time for. Next summer you do BOTP(IAP and BOTP together make of BOTC), and then probably Second language training or an OJT. For your third summer, all army people do CAP (Common Army Phase) and the rest of us...
  10. DVessey

    RMC Grad studies

    There may be a couple of non-military undergrads. The only one I saw in first year was one of the PSP staff, and I think her husband was military. As for the mil:civ ratio, I haven't got a clue. I'm guessing it's a bit heavier on the military side.
  11. DVessey

    RMC Grad studies

    What does WS::IR stand for? Anyhow, I'm only first year but I have heard about and met a few grad students wandering around. As far as I know it's like any other civi university with respect to grad studies. You take some classes, do research, correct undergrad work, etc. There seems to be a...
  12. DVessey

    For all you RMC wannabes out there...

    Ah come on.. don't be giving everything away now ;)
  13. DVessey

    Anyone out there going to IAP in May?

    Ii wonder if he's still around the mega... I'm sure you can still hear his voice echoing around the walls though. Yeah, Cox is around here somewhere.. every now and then anyway.
  14. DVessey

    Anyone out there going to IAP in May?

    "What the hell is that on your long PT?" Nice to see a familiar face on here... I'll also be heading out for BOTP on May 9th... have to wait till the end of march to see if I'm SLT exempt though. Should be a great summer!
  15. DVessey

    Theater & Continental Balistic Missile Defence . . . and Canada

    If it was a political decision to say no, then it would almost have to be a political decision to say yes. They've tested this system, and it doesn't work. What's the likelihood of anyone even managing to get their hands on a working ICBM, let alone program it and fire it?
  16. DVessey

    Computer Programming Help!!

    emacs can be thrown out the window, but vi should be suffered through by one and all! If you're feeling really adventurous, I'd recommend setting your system up for dual boot between XP and some Linux distribution. Python, and almost any other programming language, is a lot nicer to work with...
  17. DVessey

    Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

    Just to continue beating the dead and decaying horse.. Stay in school and get your grade 12. It's another couple of years (I know, two years still seems like a long time even to myself, but look at the big picture) Why not get the free education now?
  18. DVessey

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Yes, I believe they were given out before christmas. I'm only first year, so I don't have one, but I did see announcements on the board and a few boxes of them around.
  19. DVessey

    Age Limits to Join

    Just one thing I noticed in your post: You say you want to become an NCO, which is great. You also say you want to go the Military University. Currently, Canada only has one (RMC Kingston) and University it is for officers. I'm not trying to discourage you from going to university, but it won't...
  20. DVessey

    Acadian Pride!

    I am too.. small world, eh