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  1. DVessey

    Instructors giving students pushups - yay or nay?

    Not sure which way this is going to go, but instructors first have to be able to do push ups themselves. One past instructor of mine tried doing push ups with our platoon during morning PT. It was very hard for the platoon to keep a straight face, as this DS had his arse way up in the air...
  2. DVessey

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Milstuds? pfft, look my face! You tink I bozo!? Sorry, had to throw that in once I figured out who you were.
  3. DVessey

    Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

    FromĀ  one of my BOTP Sgt.s, ex-airborne, now PPCLI: Take away peanut butter and the word fuck and I'd starve to death and wouldn't be able to tell anyone about it I've got a university degree... a degree in common sense.
  4. DVessey

    Wireless connection in RMC?

    I don't think it's quite fallen through yet, last I heard they were actually looking for bids on the contract to provide internet. Not sure if it will be dormnet style (ethernet into the wall) or bell style (individual phone lines).
  5. DVessey

    "free time"?

    Basically what 23007 said. One of the first (and one of the most imporant, IMHO) things you learn at RMC, or even BOTC in St. Jean, is to manage your time. There are only so many hours in a day, and only so much you can accomplish. At the same time, if you actually sit down and get to work, turn...
  6. DVessey

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Even given that fatty PT is bigger this year (from what I've heard), and it would be nice if we had less MIR commandos, the large majority of people pass the PT test. 250 might not seem impressive to us, but I'd like to see avg civi U Joe do that.
  7. DVessey

    A few of these topics, may as well make one of my own

    Ditto. Try to mention as much of that stuff as possible in the application package and the interview as well. Present it in a proper light.. remember, you want to be a leader, you want to be in charge.
  8. DVessey

    Having Career Choice Problems...Please help.

    Remember that you're applying for a career in the Canadian Forces. Selection board may come around, and you might get accept, but you may be accepted under a Civi U program, where you attend a civilian university during the school year (all paid for) and do training during the summer.
  9. DVessey

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    It doesn't hurt to apply. Unlike civi universities, it doesn't cost anything to apply to RMC, just a lot of time.
  10. DVessey

    AGE Questions

    I've heard of a 32 year old 4th year around here, and there are also a few second years in their mid-twenties. Are you talking about doing RMC, or civi U? You said in another thread that you're an Lt in the reserves? Maybe there's some way to finish your degree with RMC through correspondence...
  11. DVessey

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Yes, this has all been covered. But for your benefit... IAC is not an acronym. I'm sure you meant IAP. The Initial Assesment Period (IAP) and Basic Officer Training Period(BOTP) make up the Basic Officer Training Course (BOTC), which is held at Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School in...
  12. DVessey

    NCMs Jacking Up Commissioned Officers

    No, not at all. Jack the ones on BOTC up till the sun comes up. But the 2Lt's in question are on French training.
  13. DVessey

    NCMs Jacking Up Commissioned Officers

    I imagine that you'll take my opinion with a grain of salt, as I'm one of those straight-out-of-highschoolers, *and* I go to RMC, but I still think that it's disrespectful to all-out ignore a commissioned officer. What kind of example is it setting anyway? On BOTC, if an officer happens to...
  14. DVessey

    Fat troops on the street....

    I just read through this whole thread. Physical fitness is something my peers and I discuss on a regular basis, mainly due to the sea cadets being here at RMC during the summer. There are a definately a few 'waddlers' around... I also think the following article from the Canadian Military...
  15. DVessey

    A Few Questions

    Small electronics aren't a problem, although you won't have any time to play gameboy during FYOP. Use your common sense. Worst comes to worst, if you aren't allowed to have something, they may confiscate it or something.
  16. DVessey

    Wireless connection in RMC?

    Before I start answering more questions, have you actually read all the RMC threads floating around here, especially the really long one? These questions or similar ones have probably already been asked and answered many times over. Yes, you are allowed to get your own phone line and net...
  17. DVessey

    Wireless connection in RMC?

    RMC does not provide wireless net access. RMC provides about 4 computer labs with computers in them that you can use. What's happened in the dorms since RMC stopped providing net access a few years ago is that people will get a wireless router and an internet connection from Bell and get...
  18. DVessey

    A Few Questions

    What kind of stuff are you wondering about bringing? You aren't allowed to keep weapons(ie/ swords, guns) or alcohol in your rooms.
  19. DVessey

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    I'm not sure how OPME's work for everyone else(ie/ civi U ROTP, DEO), whether you HAVE to take the RMC courses by correspondence. If the course description is close enough to an OPME, you might have better luck taking it at your university.
  20. DVessey


    Yeah, ditto. Right now, in terms of summer training the only difference WRT RMC people was that we didn't have to do week 0 of BOTP.