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  1. C

    Dragoons = Mechanized Infantry?

    Heres a link that explains the Australian Regiment http://www.diggerhistory.info/pages-army-today/rar-sasr/0-rar-cat-index.htm
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    Moving costs during OJT

    If it's an actual posting you will get the option to drive out or have your car shipped and you fly out. From personal experience if your single then driving is probably your best bet, but if you got wife and kids take the flight its a lot easier on everyone.
  3. C

    Home Sick

    By the time I met my wife I had done two years in Germany and one tour of Cyprus. Got engaged did my second tour of Cyprus. Ten days after my first son was born I was on a plane to Croatia 1993. While on Roto 7 in Bosnia 2000/2001 my youngest son was diagnosed with Autism very hard on my wife...
  4. C

    Dragoons = Mechanized Infantry?

    If one were to look at the Russian forces which have Mechanized and Motorized Divisions one would see that Mech is BMP, Motor is BTR. Canada has LAV III. therefore we are Motorized. Dragoon, mech motorized, light etc ...... terms we no longer need. Give all the LAV's to the armoured force call...
  5. C


    It's easy to blame the indivdual when they with claim he/she is not qualified therefore he/she should not be charged but what about that persons unit/leadership that allowed him to carry a weapon he was not qualified to use. If that person was telling the truth then the leadership should be...
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    Lack of field training!

    Great topic, I remember deploying on RV for 10 weeks in the summer and 3-4 week winter Ex. Lots of good training starting with about 2 weeks on section, 2 weeks on platoon, 2 weeks at company including FTX, 2 weeks at brigade level including FTX then final FTX. Alot better than the standard...
  7. C

    Canadian Airborne..opening for reserves aswell?

    Seems this topic can get some peoples blood boiling so to this I'ev started another thread under Combat Arms. Light Infantry Battalion/Airborne
  8. C

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    From what I understand about this site is that it is an area for open discussion on the CF. Some people including myself do not see a need for the Light Infantry Battalion so I'm asking the following. The Light Infantry Concept in the Canadian Forces is a Qucik Reaction dimounted force that...
  9. C

    Canadian Airborne..opening for reserves aswell?

    If your going to be airborne join another army. One that has the lift capability to drop ina n actual fighting force such as mutilple battalions. Jumping from a helicopter isn't airborne, its airmobile with a parachute. What army in their right mind is going to drop in a single understrength...
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    Computer Problems & Solutions

    Lots of stuff going on. If your running a P4 or better you need a 350watt or better power supply make sure you get a good one I have a True Blue Antec. Great little program called CCleaner, its freeware, you would not believe what this program will find on your system and the amount of junk you...
  11. C

    New Airlift and Sealift

    Intresting seems all the Fraser Institute is doing is taking other peoples ideas rewording and putting out to print. These same points were brought up internally and printed externally (via media) in the spring of Spring of 2003. Now if the Fraser people could come with their own ideas that are...
  12. C

    10 ton Man truck used in Germany by 4 Svcbn

    Perhaps all the people in the forces who believe the HLVW is a 10 ton can now see what a real 10 ton looks like. After one ex in Germany I was tasked as a co-driver in the 10 ton MAN fantastic vehicle
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    Military service records

    Even though the National Archives is the main center for records it is not the only one, various universities have their own records. Easiest was is to do a "Google" search using your GrandFathers name, rank and unit, some of the older regiments still have their original service records online...
  14. C

    What is your military status?

    20 years PPLCI 1st and 2nd  retired now in 3rd year Army reserve
  15. C

    Veh.‘s for patrolling in BUA‘s?

    Just because the CF never mounted a 40mm GL doesn't mean you can't mount one. The turret was desgined for different weapons other than what we used. The newer upgraded turrets have even more capabilites inculding better NBCD and fire control. My mistake on Flechette I meant cannister The...
  16. C

    Veh.‘s for patrolling in BUA‘s?

    Patrolling in BUA's............ The Canadian Army used to have vehicles specifically designed for Urban OPs. Actually it was originally intended for police forces. It was a armoured vehicle with short barrel weapons from 7.62mm mg to 40mm grenade launcher. Recently we shipped them to the Sudan...
  17. C


    Intresting post actually kind of funny doesn't surprise me about the NSE pers. But if you want to go further back in time, when I was on my first tour of Cyprus 1984 we would be in our shacks with C1's and no magazines. Another time I was a gate guard with my nice white holster, of course there...
  18. C

    New Light Infantry Batallion Orbat

    As I have a copy of the Light Infantry Battalion Orbat on my desk from the fall of 2003 I see that they have modified a little not much added a few extra soldiers here and there. But it also resembles another Infantry Orbat that I've seen elsewhere.................. In regards to Reserves and...
  19. C

    Ex PHOENIX RAM - Brigade Training Event 2005 (BTE 05) in Wainwright

    BTE is Exercise Phoenix Ram check the LFWA site
  20. C

    Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

    As a former soldier now reservist I routinely do searches on Medak Pocket since I was there and do to other circumstances I'm still involved with it. On my lastest search I came across this forum and decided to reply in the hopes I can clarify a few points that others have been discussing...