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  1. N

    A Collection Of Army.ca Humour - including SKIPPY'S DAMN LIST AGAIN!!

    EME Monkey A tourist visiting Newfoundland walked into a pet shop and  was looking at the animals on display. While he was  there, a  Canadian Soldier walked in and said to the  shopkeeper,  "I'll take the EME monkey, please." The shopkeeper nodded, went over to a cage at the side  of the...
  2. N

    Anyone out there going to IAP in May?

    Ahhh SLT. Got 3 almost 3 months of that myself this summer...heard it was very easy(especially if you're in remedial sandbox like me :)) and lots of free time. Fridays off sometimes and other Fridays in jeans! woohoo! I'm definitely going to be jealous of everyone else actually doing the really...
  3. N

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    When I apllied my first time(in Edmonton) tests and interviews and all that...was about 5 months later when I found out I wasn't in because my papers had been lost and I'd missed the deadline. When I applied again(this time in Gagetown) it took 3 months from start to finish and a month after I...
  4. N

    What's the plan for summer?

    Lets see...I'm going to be enjoying 12 or 13 weeks of second language training in everyone's favorite vacation spot...the mega!  :o jealous? lol
  5. N

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    I'm doing ROTP right now at a civilian university because I'm a nurse and they don't have that at RMC...anyway I know you can do other trades and still go to civvy u. Basically I just filled out the ROTP forms from the recruiter's office(i dont know if they are different than ones for RMC) and...
  6. N

    What is your military status?

    im a nurse minus a year and a half of school...waiting patiently(not really) to finish and get my first posting/real job!
  7. N

    The medical component of the CF DART

    so i should try to get to 2 fd amb? i have to go to edmonton, halifax or ottawa first after i graduate. 2 fd amb is in petawawa isnt it?
  8. N

    The medical component of the CF DART

    thanks guys. i was just looking for some information on things i can do when i graduate. i really want to go on tours and i thought maybe being part of DART would help
  9. N

    The medical component of the CF DART

    thanks, I did look it up and im finding some things but mostly on DART being sent to Asia recently nothing on how to get into it. I'll definately keep looking though
  10. N

    The medical component of the CF DART

    I'm almost finished my nursing degree and I was wondering if anyone could tell me how you could be part of DART or anything I could possibly do later that it would make it easier to do it. Thanks