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  1. PrairieBoy

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Well, I got my call from the Forces. Of my three career choices (Infantry, Pilot, Artillery), all three are full already. So the petty officer listed off some other career choices that need filling, and none of them are interesting to me. So now I don't know what I'm going to do. Either take...
  2. PrairieBoy

    Strategic advice for RPing Canada in an alt. history 1936.

    Thucydides: This is an alternate history, in which Canada's population is greater due to increased immigration (the US and CSA were constantly ravaging each other with war, so Canada was a much more attractive prospect to immigrants). Additionally, Canada managed to recover from the Great...
  3. PrairieBoy

    Strategic advice for RPing Canada in an alt. history 1936.

    Mariomike: Civil War 2 has already happened. And 3, and 4. The US and CSA are always going to war at regular intervals, each trying to crush the other, much like Israel and the Arab states in the Middle East. Tango2Brave: I could use that fact about Winnipeg to my advantage. If I turn it into a...
  4. PrairieBoy

    Strategic advice for RPing Canada in an alt. history 1936.

    I'm going to try to raise a Fourth Canadian Army, to act as a strategic-level mobile reserve. The French are a good historical lesson on what not to do in this situation. The main problem, I find, is that I don't have enough strategic depth. In 1940, the British could retreat back to the British...
  5. PrairieBoy

    Strategic advice for RPing Canada in an alt. history 1936.

    a: I never said that American troop levels were three times mine, I said that my forces had tripled in size from their WWI levels (CEF: 600,000 servicemen, my current CF: 1.8 million servicemen). However, they do have a considerable advantage in numbers, I appraise anywhere from 1.5 to 2 times...
  6. PrairieBoy

    Strategic advice for RPing Canada in an alt. history 1936.

    'Officially' the capital is Ottawa, but most government work is being done in Prince Albert, with back-up locations in La Ronge and Churchill. As for natural defensive features, I was thinking of tying lines across the prairies to the Saskatchewan River-Lake Winnipeg-Nelson River system...
  7. PrairieBoy

    Strategic advice for RPing Canada in an alt. history 1936.

    An update: In addition to the 1.8 million men of the Regular Force, I also have a Militia Force numbering about 500,000, mostly in the Army Militia. These consist of two kinds of regimentsL militia infantry primarily armed with Lee- Enfields and WWI-surplus Lewis guns, and the Mounted Rifles...
  8. PrairieBoy

    Strategic advice for RPing Canada in an alt. history 1936.

    Canadian ports are mostly in Newfoundland and Labrador, the most promiment being Saint John's, and a handful of naval bases on Labrador. I also have a deep-water port in Manitoba, but it only accessible in the warmer summer months, due to ice in Hudson's Bay.
  9. PrairieBoy

    Strategic advice for RPing Canada in an alt. history 1936.

    the Great Lakes: The Northern half is mine, southern is American. Hudsons Bay: Me Prince Edward Island & Northumberland Strait: Me Magdellan Islands & Sable Island: Me Saint Lawrence Seaway: The Quebeckers/Americans Northwest passage: Me, though the Americans are eying it up Georgian Straits: US...
  10. PrairieBoy

    Strategic advice for RPing Canada in an alt. history 1936.

    The Russians are still engaged in the Civil War, and though the White Russians are winning at the moment, there's no telling if the Reds won't still recover. Most of Northern Mexico was conquered by the CSA, and the remaining bit is another US protectorate, as is Panama and Costa Rica...
  11. PrairieBoy

    Strategic advice for RPing Canada in an alt. history 1936.

    Hello all Now, on another forum, I participate in a grand strategy and tactics game, which simulates various conflicts from world history, with players roleplaying different factions, empires and nations. Our most recent one covers the mid-20th century (the planned range of years is...
  12. PrairieBoy

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Dou You, I was in similar straits, except the officer at my CFRC didn't let the Forces call me to tell me that I hadn't made pilot, he just told me that, with my kind of grades in Mathematics and Physics, getting into Pilot was highly unlikely. There are so many possible trades in the CF that...
  13. PrairieBoy

    ROTP 2010-2011

    So I went for my CFAT and interview today. Went very well! ;D I'm pretty confident that I'm going to get in, but I'm not sure just yet, and I won't know for a while. Still, good to have everything done!
  14. PrairieBoy

    BMOQ after Jan 25th?

    Hello all I was on the CFLRS website recently, looking at the dates for BMOQ courses. It seems that the last one was set to start January 25th and run until May 6th. This would be bad for me, as I'm still writing my first semester finals for my Grade 12  year. So, am I correct in assuming that...
  15. PrairieBoy

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Centre: Saskatoon Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: Officer Trade Choice 1: Infantry Officer Trade Choice 2: Pilot Trade Choice 3: Armour Officer Application Date: December 1st, 2009 First Contacted:  December 15th, 2009 CFAT completed : Scheduled for January 20th, 2010...
  16. PrairieBoy

    16 Jan 2010: SGT John Faught, 1 PPCLI, R.I.P.

    Rest in peace, Sergeant :piper:  :salute:  :cdn: I did not know him personally, but he did his duty. I can think of no higher compliment for a fallen soldier.
  17. PrairieBoy

    C7A2 solid or telescoping stock?

    So in various pictures I've seen of the C7A2 rifle, some of them seem to have telescoping stocks, some seem to have solid stocks. I just have a question about this: Do you have a choice whether you want solid or telescoping stock, or do you just get what you get? I mean, it doesn't matter to me...
  18. PrairieBoy

    Running Question

    Hello all I've been training in preparation for BMOQ for several weeks now, mostly strength work with some cardio exercises thrown in. A general workout for me has been, so far, 35 pushups, 40 situps, and 3-5 minutes of jumping jacks. It works up a good sweat for me, and it isn't easy yet, but...
  19. PrairieBoy

    ROTP 2010-2011

    I'm going to my CFAT and interview next Wednesday. Not too nervous about that. What I am nervous about is my Math A30 (first half of Grade 12 Math, for you non-Saskatchewan types) mark. My teacher showed me it today: 60%  :( . I'll have to do pretty damn good on the final to get that up to...
  20. PrairieBoy

    Should the toast to the Queen be omitted from Mess Dinner's

    Gentlemen, I know this topic is old, but it caught my eye. I am an ardent monarchist. At the mess dinners of my Air Cadet Squadron, nothing pleases me more than to toast Her Majesty. Now, some will ask why I am a monarchist. "Mouldy old colonial relic" they will say. I could explain my reasons...