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Search results

  1. steveyb4342

    HRM, NS - Meet and Greet - 26 May @ 1900 Pilot Pub

    wait did you mean west coast of canada?!?!?!! lol                                               Steve
  2. steveyb4342

    HRM, NS - Meet and Greet - 26 May @ 1900 Pilot Pub

    airmich, All acorrding to when it is but Im going to be traveling back and fourth to Aldershot for work soon. If it happens to work out around that I could give you a ride then if ya want?                                                                     Steve
  3. steveyb4342

    HRM, NS - Meet and Greet - 26 May @ 1900 Pilot Pub

    Any idea when this may be? I think a BBQ would be sweet! I love BBQ's! Hambugers, sausage, maybe even steak then some beer. Where can ya go wrong? .............locating the BBQ may be the problem as it was pointed out earlier lol. It can be a bar too I was just saying I like BBQ's lol. Ill have...
  4. steveyb4342

    HRM, NS - Meet and Greet - 26 May @ 1900 Pilot Pub

    Depending on time and place I may be interested. Considering my age I wouldnt be drinking....... unless we went somewhere not quite so strict  ;D. Ill check back to see how far the idea goes.                                                       Steve
  5. steveyb4342

    Canadian Technology and Inventions

    Alexander Graham Bell also invented the telephone. Im sure telephones have some military application lol. At the same time though Alexander Graham Bell technically isnt Canadian he is Scottish born and raised then he emigrated to Canada, not sure if that counts?                                ...
  6. steveyb4342

    TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !!

    That would be amazing! 600 miles in the Canadian Artic on a snowmobile.....mmmmmmm lol. Personally Im about to start saving up to build a .338 RUM. That will be my biggest caliber right now the highest i go is 8mm mauser. hahahaha beluga hunting, sounds fun lol. Im going shark fishing this...
  7. steveyb4342

    TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !!

    hahaha i have many long guns, what calibres you need? lol. The only problem is I love the maritimes lol                                                     Steve
  8. steveyb4342

    TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !!

    I wish it was still like the old days, I was born in 1990 and I HATE technology. Id love it if it went back to TV that only had 1 or 2 channels, no internet and lock up all the tree huggers {no offense to all trehuugers out there}. Everything is so complicated, stressed out and everyone is so...
  9. steveyb4342

    Game to play when army.ca is down

    73 sec  :P :P but im on a laptop so its harder with those stupid little mouses on the laptop
  10. steveyb4342

    All You Want To Know About Bagpipes[ and then some]- Merged

    Nah I can blow out a lot of hot air no need to waste it on drums hahahaha           Steve
  11. steveyb4342

    All You Want To Know About Bagpipes[ and then some]- Merged

    WHAT! Holy good lord! Why do they cost so much?!?! My guitar was worth about the same as a good chanter!  :o  . Well i guess i could just buy a chanter and learn that until I get some more money...... in between rebuilding a car, building a rifle and buying a pistol lol. Yea I hope Kentville...
  12. steveyb4342

    All You Want To Know About Bagpipes[ and then some]- Merged

    I'd like to start playing the bagpipes also. Do you guys know if anyone at the Aldershot base plays the pipes? If all goes well thats where I'll be this summer. ......although i here the people in Kentville aren't very hospitable to the men and women of the Aldershot base, but thats another...
  13. steveyb4342

    Hockey for support in Afghanistan?

    Well we could start by selling tickets to that if you want? hahaha, just kidding.
  14. steveyb4342

    Hockey for support in Afghanistan?

    Really? So did the football do well? The hockey would be on a bigger scale hopefully. Im not sure how well it would work if it would. So im still looking for some more comments if anyone would like to chime in?                                                                                    ...
  15. steveyb4342

    Hockey for support in Afghanistan?

    Id like to know if people think its a good idea that would work before i suggest it to anyone.                                                                       Steve
  16. steveyb4342

    Family Guy Christmas - Peter's Album

    :rofl: hahahahahahaha i love family guy!                                                                 Steve
  17. steveyb4342

    Hockey for support in Afghanistan?

    Alright i had a bit of a thought last night while playing hockey. I would just like to see what you guys think, if you think its a terrible idea or wouldn't work please don't flame me a nice "it wouldn't work because....." would be very appreciated! Here I go. OK so if i understand correctly...
  18. steveyb4342

    Fall of the Soviet Union

    Sorry about that, I have enough homework over the Xmas break to not even be able to celebrate Xmas!  >:( Apparently I overlooked that in my search. Which isn't all that hard to imagine seeing as how I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off! Ugh back to homework. :(              ...
  19. steveyb4342

    Fall of the Soviet Union

    Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere but my search came up with nothing. How did the war between the Soviets and Afghanistan contribute to the fall of the Soviet Union? The best i can come up with is that the government started putting more and more money into the military which lead to...
  20. steveyb4342

    OK, all you google-meisters

    Oh im sure it must be a bit more complicated than that. The problem is ill disconnect everything and then forget what connected to where lol. Thats why i was looking for instructions. Do you know a ball park figure of how many wires, pipes and hoses i would have to disconnect?                  ...