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  1. D. Nicholson

    Drill and Ceremonial

    Im not sure where I read it.... I don't feel like waiting 20 minutes tonight for the dress regs to open, but I have the newest copy and it may have made its way there already. If army.ca has taught anyone anything it should be that 'just because people have done it, doesn't make t correct."...
  2. D. Nicholson

    Drill and Ceremonial

    the 13 years thing was a morale booster, and a joke. we came up with it once we realized CCoy was going to win...  ;)
  3. D. Nicholson

    Drill and Ceremonial

    Charlie won the penant in 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2005, but not 2006. So didn't you really just start the "curse" again?  ;D
  4. D. Nicholson

    2 new Army Cadet Exchanges (ACE) 2007

    Haven't you already applied????
  5. D. Nicholson


    Ha then I won't mention it's a touch over a month then  ;D I know Pacific is actualy doing the hiring right now so letters might be following, we'll see?
  6. D. Nicholson


    LOL I hate to tell you but "on time" isn't for another month!  ;D
  7. D. Nicholson

    Acting ranks

    Kyle your multi-unit FTX point is a very good one, and can be a case where acting ranks may be considered if there seems to be a potential challenge. It's situations like that which make me wish unit's followed the National standards! They are, in my opinion, quite good now!
  8. D. Nicholson

    Acting ranks

    Why not use acting appoinments? since that is where most of the "authority" (I use the term loosely) comes into effect for Cadet purposes. Rank isn't that important, if the Section Commander is a Pte then so be it, if the CSM is a MCpl then so be it.
  9. D. Nicholson

    Combined Elements Team

    It's 20, not 30, so you're in luck  ;)
  10. D. Nicholson

    Cadet long service medal

    Just e-mail/phone your local League; contact info at www.armycadetleague.ca We had someone apply thorugh our unit from 196X, the League just took their word.
  11. D. Nicholson

    Acting ranks

    and just to add to Kyle's comments, there is a lot of use of them at some CSTCs where they have challenges filling the staff vacancies with qualified Cadets. And just like Kyle said almost no one knows, in 2005 at VACSTC about 1/4 of the Sgts were "Acting."
  12. D. Nicholson

    Drill with Rubber C7 at LHQ.

    ... there's a few CIC Officers out there with convictions for letting it happen, too!  :o
  13. D. Nicholson

    Combined Elements Team

    Are the two Units small?
  14. D. Nicholson

    Staff application form

    http://www.cadets.net/pac/support/admin/forms/cdt112A.pdf Cdt 112A for Cadets in Pacific Region, also required with your CF51. Remember the deadline for Pacific CSTC Employment is 19 Jan 07 so get those forms in ASAP!  ;)
  15. D. Nicholson

    Staff application form

    In almost every Region CF51s now must be generated on Fortress, so potential staff Cadets should disregard the link in the post of the same title (the information on filling out the CF51 correctly is still relevent). It's best to talk to your TrgO or AdminO and ask. Soon, you won't be able to...
  16. D. Nicholson

    Cdn Cadet OD Slip-on Art work.

    CIC Officers are still being issued with "CANADA" CADPAT slip-ons in many cases, so it's not "illegal" if it's what they were issued (without error). Slowly everything is starting to come around to CIC, all the initial issues I've seen in the last 2 years have been "CIC." Slip-ons issued after...
  17. D. Nicholson

    2 new Army Cadet Exchanges (ACE) 2007

    Well if you consider even the differences between CSTCs, it's not that hard to believe.
  18. D. Nicholson

    Drill and Ceremonial

    First, you will do more drill in CL than you will in CLI D&C because there are more parades and formal organized events... you will teach more drill in CLI D&C though. Here are several reasons why I would rather be the CSM of a CL Coy, rather G Coy 1. CLI D&C doesn't have diverse training, you...
  19. D. Nicholson

    Drill and Ceremonial

    Take a CL Coy! Trust me. :P
  20. D. Nicholson

    Drill and Ceremonial

    What Pl were you? I was 3Pl 3Sec