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  1. GaelicSoldier

    Progression: Peacemaking > keeping > building

    My little opinion of the Sierra Leone crisis: not to badmouth the peacekeepers there at the time, but if you concider the mass genocidal killings a state of up-held peace, I'd hate to see your idea of war :-\ I'm glad the UK sent a peacemaking force and eventually quelled the violence over...
  2. GaelicSoldier

    Nato takes over mission in Afghanistan

    Might be the basic instinct that if they stay together, and go with the strategy that the best offence is a strong defence at Kandahar.  Mind you strategy isn't my strong point, (might be why I suck at chess lol). I'm probably gonna catch hell for this one but w/e. My $0.02. Cheers :cheers:
  3. GaelicSoldier

    Australia's PM in His Car Attacked by Violent Hezbollah Supporters in Perth

    Quote from FastEddy, As for Israeli ,Thank God somebody is showing these people that we're sick and tired of them, and here's a taste of what could come. End Quote. Well I may not agree with you on the evacuation topic, I'm behindyou 100% on this one.  Lets show those  :rage: Hezbollah and...
  4. GaelicSoldier

    The Evacuation of Canadians from Lebanon Thread

    Huge amount of respect Missile Man,  :salute: WARNING ETHICAL CONTENT!! I can't really undersand how some people can say things like that about our own people, (mind you I'm not complaining).  How would FastEddy feel if someone in his family got stranded in a war zone?  He'd probably be...
  5. GaelicSoldier

    Infantry of Tomorrow

    Quote, "Even though today's soldiers are probably much bigger and stronger than ever, with improved physical training to boot, the idea of carrying 100+ Lbs (British Infantry in the Falkland Islands war reputedly "yomped" with 120 lbs of kit) is just insane." I totally agree with you on this, ...