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  1. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    Whether you call them terrorists, freedom fighters, insurgents, rebels or whatever. Their war is not my war. Assassinations and bombings are nothing new to the ME. Every single government in the Middle East (including the Israeli government) allowed itself to prosecute innocent civilians that...
  2. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    zipperhead_cop: you're trolling big time, and the mods allow it. If I were to respond to your answers in the same way you've been responding to mine, I assure you the mods would be on my back if not banned already. You make a statement then contradict it. You ask a question then bash the answer...
  3. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    Two questions: 1) Who gets the contracts to rebuild ? 2) Who pays the bills to these contracts ? e.g. Gulf War I.....who do you think financed that war ? It was the Saudis who paid for large part of it. e..g Iraq War.......who has the most contracts to rebuild in Iraq? The USA  ,  who is...
  4. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    I did answer the question.....I did say "threaten if necessary", I didn't say attack.....difference between threats and attacks. Israel could have easily said (after putting the presssure from the US..etc) that if Lebanese army is not deployed in x number of times we'll enter sourthern lebanon...
  5. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    Again, this is what had been asked: ((( What diplomatic avenue should Israel have taken for this specific event, being the kidnapping of their soldiers? ))) I've answered specifically to that question and my answer is very clear. What you're bringing from other threads was regarding the whole...
  6. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    What points I didn't answer ?  You've asked me what should have resolved this conflict peacefully, and I answered you. Some will disagree this will resolve it and that is fine. From what I know, this would have resolved it. If you disagree, why the plan I've put forward will not work ? What...
  7. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    Lebanon is in so much debt it can't afford anything right now. It couldn't afford another civil war, it can't afford even to pay for current repairs of destroyed infrastructure. Any foreign force (or even lebanese army) fighting against Hezbollah would have lead to civil war for sure. The only...
  8. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    I said that earlier post, not sure if this is after you read it or not: - Seek UN security council resolution condemning Hezbollah (easily will pass) - Put pressure on Lebanon to secure its border, US can play major role in this as well since Lebanon government became a major US ally after the...
  9. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    Someone with an ego and military might will think lets crush them (just like Ariel Sharon thought will crush the PLO). Someone with a little bit more brain will seek a UN reoslution condemning Hezbollah attack, pressure the Lebanese government (threaten if necessary) to control its borders...
  10. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    ME is a situation that has no end. All parties want one thing....the same piece of land and all are willing to sacrifice everything at their disposal to reach that goal. Anyone involves themselves with it will be burnt in one way or another.
  11. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    Not at all, I just have different vision of when to go to war and when to give politics a chance. My comments are in line with CF policies and there is nothing wrong with them.
  12. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    Yes, you did for a moment.....I never forgot that on the 17 terrorist plot thread. My contributions in your opinion are not positive, while to others have been informative and enlightening. I on the other hand acknowledge some posts from other members here have been interesting and informative...
  13. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    It is a grand and who run it are grandee ! You misunderstood my point, I'm not against the war in Afghanistan (in fact, I'm not even much for it....but since we're there lets finish the job instead of doing 1/2 a job).  My mention is to drag Canada into a war in the Middle East (Iraq, Iran...
  14. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    That is your opinion and its fine with me. I'm responding as much as I can in an honest and unbiased way. I don't have any agenda nor any preference for any side of any conflict (also stated this many times before),yet, I'll respond always to 'twisted facts' , 'agenda driven posts' or items that...
  15. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    I've sent you this in a PM before, I'll not respond to questions that have no value and will not bring any intelligence to the conversation. I'll not respond to questions (what would you do if you were officer......what you want......do you donate to hezbollah......do you support this guy or...
  16. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    Corrected my post....thx!
  17. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    Not only once, but on different occasions Israel and the US had attempted military cooperation with Iran...dig more and u'll find more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran-Contra_Affair http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran-Israel_relations Additional for those hate wikis...
  18. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    We're all in this together, don't think your wars will not affect our lives. What goes around comes around my friend. I do good deeds to what I can within my capacity, no one is forced to do more than what they're capable of. There is one type of commerce that never gets disrupted with...
  19. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    These morons know when to wage wars and when not. They've also colonized America and most of the world before and they know exactly what it means to wage wars. The US military in my humble opinion and opinion of alot of people have not achieved ANY clear victory since WW-II. The US military does...
  20. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    This is what Britain and France have been doing in the region from 1920-1940 and look where it ended up !!! They used to shuffle things around Arab-Style ( We'll help you do this if you help us do that, then we'll help someone else against you so they help us achieve some other thing in another...