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  1. tamouh

    Muslim anger follows Pope's comments

    If you read the posts above you'll know why I've replied with a clarification because it seems some people want to convince the rest of us that this whole incident because the Pope addressed violence in "radical Islam" , yet the truth of the matter is the whole incident revolves around the Pope...
  2. tamouh

    Muslim anger follows Pope's comments

    I don't think anyone is upset over linking radical Islam to violence, but rather that one quote linking Muhammad the prophet of Islam to Evil! Though the Pope has distant himself from the quote saying it doesn't represent his view, one can help but wonder why would he use such a quote if its...
  3. tamouh

    Muslim anger follows Pope's comments

    If the Pope intention was to provide a historical quote supporting his message that Faith doesn't require violence, then he had chosen the most inappropriate quote available in history books. Manuel II have had his shares of alliances and wars with the Ottomans, and his views reflect an era when...
  4. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Incorrect, the whole Peace process died with the assassination of Isaac Rabin by a radical Jewish extremist and it is still buried in his grave. The reason we got to the Oslo accord mainly due to the attention 1st Intifada brought...the secondary was the promise George Sr. made to Arafat after...
  5. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Correct, the resolution calls for both side to make peace. This is where things stumbling, weren't the Arabs saying in Oslo: "Peace for Land" ? Also ironic....the conflict started between Palestinians/Israelis, then grew to include Syria, Jordan and Egypt, then Iraq, then Lebanon and now Iran...
  6. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Two questions: 1) How would you feel if in 1967 Syria started the war and presume it resulted in the Syrians reaching the port of Haifa. a UN resolution is made requiring Syria to withdraw back to the Golan Heights. Israel later attempts to return these lands through war with no success, and...
  7. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    ArmyVern: I agree from a Military perspective Syria and Egypt had lost the 1973 war. Israel pretty much "conquered" the lands they currently control. I'm aware of the 35km to Damascus. In fact, when the news reached Damascus that the Israelis were about to invade the capital, all ministers...
  8. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    While we both agree that Extrimisim is an issue, and we need to vigorously combat those who want to destroy our way of life and turn us back to the stone age (e.g. Taliban ideology). We do however disagree on the reasons behind some extrimists hate to America or West. I don't know any sane or...
  9. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Bruce: I don't have well understanding of the Canadian Aboriginal subject and what were the agreements/laws governing this relation, so I'd not comment on something I don't know about. But we all agree Hate is Hate. Whether you say death to Jews, Muslims, Christians , White, Black, Indo...
  10. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    paracowboy: My response is directly related to your point. Why do Syrians rally against Israel and call for the destruction of Israel ?? Because simply Israel is occupying their land. You're saying the Israelis are not protesting against Syrians, why should they ? No Arab nation is occupying an...
  11. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Syria as well has been criticized negatively for its human rights. However, no UN security resolutions on this subject. You're comparing apples to oranges.
  12. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Does Syria occupy ANY Israeli land ? Is Syria in violation of ANY UN resolutions ?  NO! While on the other hand, Israel occupies illegally lands since 1967 in a legal war which Israel started against its Arabs neighbours, AND Israel is in complete violation of UN resolutions since 1967 until...
  13. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Wasn't there a post on these forums that talked about a radical Israeli Rabbi who claimed Arabs should be eliminated and killed. Everyone jumped on board that this is the opinion of one radical should not be taken as the opinion of the whole nation , or am I wrong here ?
  14. tamouh

    The Forever War

    Actually intersted, just recently in Saudi the "Religious advisory council" issued a Fatwa allowing men to marry women and still keep separate places of living and no living expenditure paid. The reason behind it, many Saudi women go unmarried due to the fact alot of Saudi men who want to get...
  15. tamouh

    Lebanon (Superthread)

    Combination os Syrian and UN forces should fix the problem. They demonstrated good control over Hezbollah before their withdrawal, and they've controlled the Golan height border pretty well. It also puts Syria in a responsible position in the event Hezbollah initiate any attacks. But I don't...
  16. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    No Sir, and it is clear what I've expressed here has all respect to other people views. There are two sides for each coin. Myself and others here have exchanged enlightening views and opinions which contribute a great length to understanding the current issues. What I find in this forum is the...
  17. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    tess, learn & share with other members the issues that affect us all, especially issues related to Middle Eastern affairs.
  18. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    Do you agree with me that no one deserves power unless they've worked for it ? Do you also agree with the statement that in general people who don't deserve power are usually weak ? There is no wrong or right. Israel can attempt to run the Middle East, but they'll fail. Simply because they...
  19. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    2 Cdo: Hezbollah is a terrorist oranization....sure. Israel is also the reason for many of the current instabilities in the ME  (Mind you, if Israel wasn't there, I'm sure they would have something else to fight over....like when the Egyptian President Nassir send troops to Yemen to fight...
  20. tamouh

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    Edward: Show me where to sign. If that is the path they choose, and I'm sure they won't, then its fine with me. Let them sort out their own problems. They are smart people and can make their own decisions...after couple of nukes and generations wiped out, they might realize there is no way out...