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  1. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Syria have had chemical & biological weapons since mid-late 1970s. Syria have had active chemical and biological weapons program long before the nuclear reactor destruction. As for how they got them, most likely through Soviet facilitation from Eastern Europe. The Baath parties in Syria and Iraq...
  2. tamouh

    14 Nov 12: Israel Launches Operations in Gaza

    I don't think Hamas is the loser here. The latest BBC article I read indicates Hamas got some serious concessions from Israel regarding to border Patrol. This could be playing right into Israel's hand since any violence on Israeli/Gaza border may come back to hunt Hamas. Egypt can also put alot...
  3. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    China is only looking after its own self interest. They have little stake in Syria and thus really don't care much about what happens there. On the other hand, any UN security intervention could and would sit a precedent causing significant alarm for China & Russia. Both countries undemocratic...
  4. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Syrian regime is using cluster bombs in Homs/Aleppo: Source: http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2012-10-14/syria-gunmen-kill-4-on-factory-bus-in-homs By AP News
  5. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    I disagree. If Turkey was seeking to become a regional power, they would have intervened in Syria long time ago. They would have provided better support to the FSA as an example.  I believe Turkey does not want to intervene in Syria and really has little interest in it except for the Kurds and...
  6. tamouh

    US Economy

    The question needs to be asked is how much should a person gain from their money sitting doing nothing with little or no risk (i.e. gov't bonds, T-Bills). Can we justify 7% interest earned now a days on GICs? I've noticed in the past 10 years that many low income and middle income families now...
  7. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    I'm in full agreement with most of what you've said. However, I'm not seeing a war as the eventual solution. I do believe that it will take generations of Middle Eastern youth to re-shape the ME into a stable zone. If 3 wars with Israel, 15 yrs civil war in lebanon, 2 wars in Iraq did not make a...
  8. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Iran Said to Send Troops to Bolster Syria Source: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390444230504577615393756632230.html BEIRUT—Iran is sending commanders from its elite Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and hundreds of foot soldiers to Syria, according to current and former members of...
  9. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Interesting read on the makeup of the FSA dating back to March, 2012. Some factual errors on effective battalions locations and unit commanders. I guess that is the result of internet reporting/analyzing,  but the report has some good insights: Source...
  10. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    This is a first and just before Baird's visit: Clash reported between Jordan and Syria in border area Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/08/10/us-syria-crisis-jordan-idUSBRE8791B420120810
  11. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    E.R.: I do believe there are many issues still need to be worked out in the ME. Any solution needs to be from within the region and to resolve the region own problems. Given that, I'd still think a regional war can be avoided if there are enough enlightened leaders who are willing to compromise...
  12. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    The ME had seen its own shares of war. I believe it's been a war ridden region for 5,000+ years. There will be no change with another war. Peaceful progress through the use of Internet and Media had made quite a difference in people opinion and way of thinking. Yes, there are extremists, but we...
  13. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    If we consider that Salafists and other extremists (even many moderate) Muslims believe there will be a war in Al-Sham (which is current day Syria) that will change the current regimes and bring back the Caliphas. Then, I'll doubt any war in that region no matter how violent will bring about...
  14. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Agree, they're all held together by a duct tape. But why would a regional war be desirable? What benefit do we or the international community get from a regional war in the ME?
  15. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    I'd be more concerned about Jordan or Lebanon. They already have their hands full dealing with Palestinians and Iraqis, add the Syrian mix and you'd more likely observe destabilized states. My concern with Turkey is only in the event of Iranian 'intervention' or Kurds attempt to axe northern...
  16. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Syrian rebels acquire early SA-7 heat-seeking missiles (now you can claim the FSA is receiving direct outside support): (In Syria, Potential Threat to Government Air Power Emerges) Sources...
  17. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    The Arabs are not our enemy last time I've checked. Has it not been for many of the Arab states that currently exist (Qatar,Saudi,Jordan,UAE,Egypt), the entire ME map would have looked different. The risk of regional war that will drain significant portion of Wes/East resources is possible in...
  18. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Israel Says Syria Pulls Troops from Golan to Suppress Revolt Elsewhere. I do believe there is a coup in progress right now, it may take few weeks for things to become clear. Source...