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  1. F

    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    It's interesting you see afghan in this light as it is very rarely talked about in this manner. It is always in reference to the civilians living in the country, not serving our own self national interest. I can guarante you that our liberal society would never support the war if it was talked...
  2. F

    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    Awww, i love the irony here. Someone above mentions we are a Christian society, ethical - the good Samaritans - and then i read this lol. Oh how greed makes even the best meaning people into cold hearted creatures. I will not debate this topic here because it is digressing from the original...
  3. F

    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    george - could you elaborate a bit more on that?!
  4. F

    Different personality traits for different trades?

    wow, this was an unexpected response, with all the talk of needing to fit your personality traits/style with the respective trade youd think there would be a bit more feedback  ???
  5. F

    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    It depends how you define canada! I am not willing to fight for a canada that exploits other countries via neo-imperialist means (to be fair, we have not fallen trap to such an ideology/agenda, as our southern brother has, but if it got around to that then no i would not). I am willing to fight...
  6. F

    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    See these are the kind of things im interested in. I don't want to sound anti-national, or treasonous, or anything like that, but i will not support any war effort that is geared solely towards obtaining resources or things that our country needs economically; that is nothing but war-mongering...
  7. F

    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    ACTUALLY.. I'm a 4th year 23 year old student and my schools on strike right now, so your term paper comment is redundant! I ask out of sincere curiosity, as i have been given the profession some thought but am trying to work things out in my head. I don't want to just join if i feel deep down...
  8. F

    Different personality traits for different trades?

    While reading old threads i have often heard the advice to check ones personality traits against the profession there thinking of entering... however, i can not find any thread that breaks down the various trades into their respective typical personality profile. If we were to make such a list -...
  9. F

    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    "internationally, the CF supports Canadian foreign policy objectives such as protecting human rights and alleviating human suffering. Among the CF's particularly difficult and dangerous tasks is intervening in failed states, such as Afghanistan, to promote international stability." Straight...
  10. F

    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    What is the military ethos? I am interested in this and the mandate of the military... but alas, although i am a university student i am not the greatest with the internet. I am in a sense trying to start a debate i guess... i'm playing the devils advocate here. This is very much my own thought...
  11. F

    SAR Tech

    Does laser eye surgery disqualify you? I was talking to the recruiter about being a pilot and because of the new requirements you are allowed to wear your glasses but were disqualified if you got laser eye surgery.
  12. F

    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    After i think about it, I'm really starting to get worried about the state of affairs in Canada and elsewhere. This biological notion of humanity is so limited... we must open our minds to incorporate the concept that familial ties go beyond biology... this is the first step in the process to...
  13. F

    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    Sorry about the red, i couldn't figure out how to unquote myself once i hit the button - I'm still trying to figure things out  ??? Thucydides - see thats the problem with our individualized North American society... we focus solely on the nuclear family, and our concept of relations does not...
  14. F

    coming out of university and joining enlisting as an NCM?

    I think higher education in anything other than the liberal arts is a absolute sham! All other fields are concerned solely with pragmatical thinking and nothing to do with the historical 'higher learning.' Have you ever engaged in a debate with a science major or business student?! Comment on...
  15. F

    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    thucydides -  i find your quote kind of ironic. It seems to fly against everything youve posted. "If the greatness of life is measured in deeds done for others, then Canada's sons and daughters who have made the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan stand among the greatest of their generation" ...
  16. F

    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    So, in your view.. the mission of the military is nothing beyond killing people in order to serve our own Canadian self interests? Yeah, i may have to do some major reconsideration then... i don't know if i could live with that. The notion of superiority and service to self interests - whether...
  17. F

    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    SO under your rhetoric why do you believe we should be in afganistan?! Despite what the role of the military was historically i believe we most evolve... and i'm very interested in dallaires points concerning the future roles of the military in alleviating these basic humanitarian crisis's. I'm...
  18. F

    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    mcg - I don't quite follow why you suggested those readings? I'm not against just wars fought for the betterment of universal humanity - this implies that it must not be a nationalistic close minded view of humanity, where our needs must be met over others.. normally leading to a form of...
  19. F

    coming out of university and joining enlisting as an NCM?

    From the few threads I have read on here it seems that this is suggested by some, so they get their boots wet, etc... but my question is not pertaining to whether someone should join as a NCM before an officer... rather it is, do people whom have graduated from university normally join as NCMs...