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  1. Y

    Replacing the Subs

    If you think that you have to believe that NATO does as well. Trudeau and BLair will have to show something more substantial than a future sub programme to get out of the hallway and back into the room.
  2. Y

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    In my case it is cynicism. I have listened to government promises all the way back to a "life means life" statement made and have followed the empty rhetoric from there so forgive me if I hope that what I hear is true but will only believe it when the first delivery occurs.
  3. Y

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    If you read the release that issue has been covered. We are after a unique combination therefore by inference, a custom design so everyone is able to apply. The firm that offers greatest payback either the liberal coffers or Quebec industries will win regardless. Canada’s new fleet will...
  4. Y

    Replacing the Subs

  5. Y

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Talk about covering your ass. Burning fossil fuel causes global warming. Burning fossil fuel causes global cooling. Burning fossil fuel causes the sea to rise. Burning fossil fuel causes (fill in the blank). Well here is the truth and remember you read it first from YZT580. Burning fossil...
  6. Y

    Replacing the Subs

    'When is the first delivery and is the programme scheduled to be up and running before next October
  7. Y

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Watts up with That has an article out recently on this very issue re: North America. Seems that the west coast is on the rebound whilst areas of the east coast are subsiding. Plus there is the additional issue of Carbon dioxide and a warming climate are not problems...
  8. Y

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    stop supporting the unsupportable then. They have pledged enough in industry incentives for batteries to fund anything you want. All to stop the tide from rising.
  9. Y

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    probably true but no one at the meeting will believe him anyways although they may mouth nice things in public. In private it will be show me the money
  10. Y

    Replacing the Subs

    buy SSN's and the next war will be long over before the first keel kisses the water. Shoulda coulda done that a long time ago with Mulroney but that ship sailed.
  11. Y

    The "Did Minister Sajjan 'Order' Sikh's To Be Airlifted?" Merged Thread

    irrelevant. The info machine is blowing smoke. First priority should have been Canadian citizens, employees and translators and then, if any time was left, other at-risk parties. If there was so much concern before hand why weren't there scheduled evacuation flights from the time Trump...
  12. Y

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    Don't you mean gelded?
  13. Y

    The "Did Minister Sajjan 'Order' Sikh's To Be Airlifted?" Merged Thread

    can't imagine what relevance any conservative government documents would have had to the charges that were leveled against the Admiral. The events all occurred years after Trudeau took over and were related to decisions that his government were making. Perhaps trying to blow smoke? Do you...
  14. Y

    LGBTQ Stuff (split from other political threads)

    You are signed in as a guest, may I suggest that you behave like one.
  15. Y

    Urban Elites, Natives and Settlers....

    shouldn't. Metis in particular are the result of french fur traders having too much leisure time in the winter. Talk about taking advantage of the local population...
  16. Y

    Urban Elites, Natives and Settlers....

    I guess 'cause I grew up with Gunsmoke, Rin TinTin and the rest of the Saturday morning westerns those from India were generally referred to as persons from India rather than Indians as such. We knew who Indians were and they weren't people in Turbans. The term wasn't used with the intention...
  17. Y

    Urban Elites, Natives and Settlers....

    So what is wrong with the term Indian? Apart from the fact that it labels the entire group as belonging on another continent, it is at least as good a name as indigenous. We don't generally refer to folks from India as Indians at least I don't think so. Our folks seem to have hijacked the...
  18. Y

    Canada to Spend $5.0Bil on AEW Aircraft

    don't we do the same? Like no cadillac helicopters and SAR aircraft or anything but Boeing