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  1. Y

    The War in Ukraine

    how long before the cannon fodder says no more. Or maybe their mothers and wives rise up. Those figures are insane.
  2. Y

    The War in Ukraine

    The BBC is carrying an article claiming that they have destroyed a submarine in one of the harbours in the Crimea. Information so far is very sketchy
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    EV's, Gas/Oil, and The Future- another swerve split from- JT Hints Boosting Canada’s Military Spending

    and where pray tell will all these happy campers find electrical outlets for their cars. In much of Africa they are still making charcoal to use as a heat and cooking source because there is no power to their homes. Sorry, no power to their street. Sorry again, no power, except for a diesel...
  4. Y

    AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)

    probably because we kept asking for changes and then forced them to close most of their production for two years and even at that we didn't finalize the plans for years after the proposed date. In answer to your question, other than that I can't think of any reason
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    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    try to be polite. Much better to say "Kiss me"
  6. Y

    Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

    Sorry, previous wouldn't work. Would be considered cruel and unusual as there is no wifi and no TV.
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    Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

    Great idea. Are there any abandoned bases up there that don't infringe on indigenous lands. You wouldn't even need guards.
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    EV's, Gas/Oil, and The Future- another swerve split from- JT Hints Boosting Canada’s Military Spending

    The electric market seems to be crashing all around our ears. Whether governments see it or not, it appears the industry has evaluated their chances of surviving in an all electric world and are starting to hedge their bets by examining alternative power sources. Attached address provides a...
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    Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

    too true. Maybe Trudeau could allocate some of his housing budget to building new facilities to prevent overcrowding. But that is a provincial issue.
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    CAN Enhanced (Permanent?) Fwd Presence in Latvia

    as the saying goes, those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it. You could be right but the issue under discussion is identifying potential first moves in a European war. I don't believe that Russia will allow their Baltic fleet to be destroyed in position but will sortie prior to...
  11. Y

    CAN Enhanced (Permanent?) Fwd Presence in Latvia

    Russia historically has relied on weather and of course on mass assaults. They haven't relied upon their navy, in fact, to the best of my recollection the navy has generally gone down to defeat whenever it faced off against a peer group i.e. the Japanese.
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    CAN Enhanced (Permanent?) Fwd Presence in Latvia

    so if you are writing that from your position don't you think the russians have come to the same conclusion? Perhaps the signal to start the airlift will be the Russian baltic fleet heading for the Atlantic on advertised "training" manoeuvres.
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    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    what we need is leaders.
  14. Y

    2024 Wildfire Season

    CNE airshow in 1986 I think or thereabouts had the MNR with a helicopter doing spotting while a 415 and a DHC6 amphib. did pickups and drops. The same idents are still in the lineup so yes the fleet must be at least 30 if not closer to 40
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    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    why not? no different than the stunts his boss has pulled
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    2024 Wildfire Season

    The whole fleet must be getting well up there in hours yet I haven't seen a proposal to replace or re-enforce. When the fires start I guess they will simply blame climate change for being unprepared.
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    2024 Wildfire Season

    reading elsewhere, and I don't remember exactly where, that the only way to properly correct the problem is with a major fire such as the one that just hit Jasper. And by blaming global warming, the feds. are ensuring that remedial action of any nature will be too little and too late. By the...
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    EV's, Gas/Oil, and The Future- another swerve split from- JT Hints Boosting Canada’s Military Spending

    just as an observation, it intrigues me that we constantly come up with negatives and barriers to concepts that go against our notion of the 'right' way to do things instead of trying to take the good things from an idea and make it work. Incineration is a case in point. Don't you think that...
  19. Y

    EV's, Gas/Oil, and The Future- another swerve split from- JT Hints Boosting Canada’s Military Spending

    true, but I haven't heard of any major epidemics developing in Sweden as a result of contaminated air so they must have figured something out