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Search results

  1. TSpoon

    Ship's Boarding Party [Merged]

    Dude, the boarding parties of today aren't like they were way back in the Napoleanic war or w/e. You won't be fixing your bayonet and hacking and slashing your way to the enemy's bridge if thats the picture you've got in your mind.Most times the boarding party is used it's for settling disputes...
  2. TSpoon

    How pixelated uniforms turned soldiers into walking targets

    True. But, IMO just by looking at some of the pictures on their site, it would work fairly well in the field.But as I said before, It also has several drawbacks, mainly that it won't work in a city setting, and all your gear has to be covered in the stuff. :2c:
  3. TSpoon

    How pixelated uniforms turned soldiers into walking targets

    A-TACS seems to work fairly well if you're stationary......don't think you'd blend in too well in an urban environment though www.a-tacs.com edit: only problem is everything from your boots to your weapon have to be covered in it
  4. TSpoon

    Operator Ugly Fitness Test

    The 36 points on the example scoresheet would have been completed during all four rounds of the shuttle run (4 minutes total so about 9 lengths per minute)  :cdn:
  5. TSpoon

    Operator Ugly Fitness Test

    Sorry, It's supposed to say that the 7th event is a 3 mile run in body armour (about 5km)    :cdn:
  6. TSpoon

    Operator Ugly Fitness Test

    Oops that last quote didn't quite go as planned aha
  7. TSpoon

    Operator Ugly Fitness Test

  8. TSpoon

    Operator Ugly Fitness Test

    Self regulation and good spotting is key to lifting safely regardless of whether its during a PFT or not. If someone wants to lose their arch during the deadlift test in an attempt to get more reps then thats their choice. :cdn: edited for spelling
  9. TSpoon

    Operator Ugly Fitness Test

    You do have to have a pretty solid base of strength to rep out with 185 on the front squat and bench.The higher your 1RM is the more reps you'll be able to get.It actually makes much more sense to TEST strength in this manner because it is safer and less time consuming than say, taking a whole...
  10. TSpoon

    Operator Ugly Fitness Test

    I'm in the same boat as you being a bigger guy aswell. I looked over the bodyweight to score ratios at www.militaryathlete.com and for athletes weighing more than 200 lbs. the standards are as follows :                                                                                            ...
  11. TSpoon

    Operator Ugly Fitness Test

    I forgot to put that every rep for the bench/squat/deadlift count for one point towards your total score .You need 100 points minimum to pass :cdn:
  12. TSpoon

    Operator Ugly Fitness Test

    Note: If the Mods would rather have this under "Physical Training and Standards" then by all means go ahead. I figured I would bring this up after reading the recent thread on project FORCE (the prototype new PT test) Basically it's a fitness test designed by Mr Rob Shaul from...
  13. TSpoon

    Replacing the pack system?

    Can't get to the link..apparently you need an account on that site to veiw it.What exactly are the Aussies up to ?
  14. TSpoon

    Army Courses List

    Thanks for clearing that up. Do you know anything about the Commando course ?
  15. TSpoon

    Army Courses List

    So it's actual Ranger school ( Benning phase,Mountain phase, Florida Phase etc.) or is it just a condensed version of the course offered to foreign-nationals ? Also, is the UK's Commando course still offered to Canadian/other commonwealth soldiers or have they stopped doing that now ? Thanks. :cdn:
  16. TSpoon

    Joining The Infantry

    Thanks alot!!! At first I thought that I'd help out with some builds around the city but now I've started looking into going to either Mongolia or Africa someplace to help biuld houses over there. It looks like a lot of fun regardless of how it might help with the application process. :cdn:
  17. TSpoon

    Joining The Infantry

    Thanks for everyone's replies Being a more attractive candidate is precisely why I wanted to improve my education credentials, just in case it comes down to me and someone else with a similar application.I've also decided to volunteer with habitat for humanity throughout the course of next year...
  18. TSpoon

    Joining The Infantry

    Thanks for the suggestion.I just did a quick search and it looks as if Seneca College has such a program in partnership with RMC.It says in the course description it's meant for current NCM's but that it is open to the public aswell.This also seems like a very good option but I wouldn't want to...
  19. TSpoon

    Joining The Infantry

    Thanks for all the replies everyone. I was plthinking about continuing to volunteer on te side anyways but now I definately will.Right now I've got about 120 hrs and I'd like to get that up to atleast 200+ before I apply.Thanks again. :cdn: