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  1. derael

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    I'm still waiting for the "new" ROTP questionnaire that is apparently supposed to come out for this year... but I'm not sure what's actually going on with that. I'll probably just hand in the rest of my application for now.
  2. derael

    My recruiting story.

    Poor you. You're going to have a tough go should you ever make it to basic. Just take Mr. Wallace's correction and move on. Stop making something more out of it, and like you said... return to the topic at hand. Mod edit: removal of personal info
  3. derael

    Almost ready to apply

    :rofl: I can definitely picture that one in my head. Just don't do drugs. Problem solved.
  4. derael

    My recruiting story.

    Serious? Providing proper spacing between punctuation is too much to ask?
  5. derael

    joining the infantry next summer

    Just to add... Start running; Practice push ups, crunches/sit-ups, pull-ups. Ensure proper form in everything. There is tons of good info on this site about all of these and much more. Start reading.
  6. derael

    joining the infantry next summer

    Like started above endurance and cardio will be much more important than how much you can bench etc.  Being able to bench that much is great, but it won't get you through the morning PT. If you had to lose 20lbs off your max bench weight but be able to run that 2.4km in 10min flat I'd say you...
  7. derael

    Almost ready to apply

    During your medical you will supply a urine sample. The questionnaire is given to you after your CFAT testing.
  8. derael

    In Taliban crosshairs

    Just bought this book as well. It is indeed very hard to put down, if I had more free time I'd probably already be done.
  9. derael

    Almost ready to apply

    To my knowledge they are not testing for drugs when they take a urine sample. You should however be completely honest when filling out the questionnaire which does ask you about past drug use.
  10. derael

    Almost ready to apply

    All the information you're looking for is already available on this forum. Search before posting. That is the first bit of advice I'll give you that will benefit you... *points to search function* The CFAT determines what trades you are eligible based on your score. Low score = Not many...
  11. derael

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    For sure. PM incoming.
  12. derael

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    I wouldn't worry about your age. I am applying for ROTP as well and I am currently 24 years of age. If my application is accepted I will be 25 in my first year. Your age and likely resulting maturity due to your age, should you get into RMC, will probably be more of an advantage than a...
  13. derael

    Rename 97st to Heroes Boulevard? (Edmonton)

    Just heard this on the radio about 30 minutes ago... There's a petition out to rename 97st to Heroes Boulevard. This petition is to be presented to the Mayor of Edmonton at some point in the near future. 97st is of course the road that leads into CFB Edmonton (as you may or may not be aware)...
  14. derael

    lf Canadians will not support me now, I am compelled to join the Taliban

    What is to stop him from taking his funds from the CF and then going to the Taliban anyways?
  15. derael

    Sacrifice Medal Mega Thread

    Ah, didn't see that post... but yes I have to agree the wording on army news leaves a lot to be desired in terms of accuracy.
  16. derael

    Sacrifice Medal Mega Thread

    Oddly enough army news reports that friendly fire cases will be eligible... http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/6_1_1_1.asp?id=2950
  17. derael

    Extreme Difficulty Contacting Recruitment Centres?

    That is the case with most places.  :P
  18. derael

    Extreme Difficulty Contacting Recruitment Centres?

    They're always quite busy. Are you calling your case manager or just the CFRC itself? This may make a difference... if all else fails then take the initiative and go in person.
  19. derael

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    As they said...I believe selection is mid-Jan. As of right now I don't think the new ROTP application forums are out yet(at least at my local CFRC), but I think it's best your application be completed by late November?
  20. derael

    A Short Road... Turning Long?

    Best of luck to you. It's good to see determination and a positive outlook like yours. Hang in there!