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  1. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    When you get sworn in will vary and it doesn't seem to follow any specific pattern.  I still don't have a definite date yet, but they said I would be "most likely" sworn in on the 5th of January which is only three days before the course start date. If not the Jan, 5th I was told it would be...
  2. derael

    Just want to make sure I'm not being taken for a ride.

    +1 May as well "VR" now if thats the case.  :-\ Time to "cowboy up".
  3. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    As long as you're merit listed you're probably not going to see a PT test before IAP. I have completed the PT test as a CEOTP applicant however I applied back in Feb '06.
  4. derael

    Congressman Calls Oz A Threat

    Next up? Switzerland  ::)
  5. derael

    Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

    I must have missed something then. I didn't see anything on the CFAT that was beyond grade 10.  ??? Either way nyture, staying in school will be well worth your time and effort. You certainly won't regret staying in school in years down the road but you may regret dropping out.
  6. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    It's really close to my home (I save about $250+ per month in gas alone), and I have almost zero bills at the time being(just my cellphone and car payment). Working 6-7 nights a week I still live quite comfortably seeing as most of my income ends up as disposable. IAP is only two months away...
  7. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Yeah, thats what I meant. Once I get the details from the CFRC I'll check in with you to see if we're on the same flight. I quit framing houses a while ago now I'm working for $10/hour on midnights at a gas station. Works for me I live in the middle of no where. It also gives me a lot of time...
  8. derael

    My CEOTP Application :o

    I've received this question a few times via PM, but I should know these specifics once my file manager is back in the office on Monday. I'll be sure to ask her as long as I remember.
  9. derael

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Centre: Edmonton Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: Officer (CEOTP) Trade Choice 1: Infantry Trade Choice 2: Armour Trade Choice 3: Arty Application Date: Feb 27, 2006 First Contact: Mar 3, 2006 CFAT completed: Mar 14, 2006 Medical completed: Apr 7, 2006 Interview completed: Apr 7...
  10. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Yeah, I'll be sure to let you know my flight details once I get them.
  11. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Haha, well thanks. I'm just glad I now know when I can quit my job! I do hate it so. It's really boring.  :boring:
  12. derael

    My CEOTP Application :o

    *UPDATE* Well, I thought I'd just bring this thread to it's conclusion stage. I finally received my offer today from a well spoken Captain at CFRC Edmonton. I accepted the offer and he said I would be receiving further info from my file manager once she was back in the office on this coming...
  13. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Funny, not two hours after that last post of mine there I received a call from CFRC Edmonton with my offer. I'll be seeing you guys in January. : :D  :cdn:
  14. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Most who were selected in September for DEO or CEOTP have not received offers as of yet from what I understand. I spoke with someone from CFRC Edmonton the other day and she basically told me at least for Edmonton this was the case, but apparently they are expecting the offers sometime soon...
  15. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    And, I'm scared of having to hang out with you old men.  ;D
  16. derael

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    I'm still waiting for my offer as well even though I was selected in September. I've been trying like crazy to get a hold of a career counsellor as well so that I can maybe get some more info, but they are almost impossible to get a hold of. I really hope I don't miss the IAP in January.
  17. derael

    Patience pays off

    It's good to see your determination to get into the CF. It should be an example for others to follow; never give up. It's too bad you weren't able to get in initially as a pilot, but I am sure things will work out for you as they should in the end. Congrats and good luck.  :cdn:
  18. derael

    Personal fitness Question(s) Cold Weather Trg

    For running or anything to do with cardio where you're using a lot of lung power I find quite a bit harder in sub zero temps. As for pushups or similar types of exercises, not really.
  19. derael

    Welcome snow

    No snow in Edmonton, just rain. :(
  20. derael

    Sgt. Darcy Tedford and Pte. Blake Williamson Killed- 14 Oct 2006

    RIP soilders; you did your country a great service. We will forever be thankful for your sacrifice. :cdn: :salute: