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  1. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    The four pillars of RMC teaching are academic, athletic, leadership and bilingualism - how do YOU satisfy these? It sounds as if you've got the academic side sorted, but your questions imply that your understanding of leadership could be better - until you understand the military's view on...
  2. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    My son is going in to Air as Aerospace Controller, the other is also Air as ACSO.
  3. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    They both received notice of their selection on Monday of this week
  4. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    No - they're both doing Year 1 at CMR before doing years 2-4 at RMC. Both are Ontario HS graduates and neither need CEGEP1.
  5. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    For those still waiting, I am aware of two people who received acceptance at RMC this week. The first was accepted onto ROTP at RMC St-Jean (move to RMCC at Kingston for years 2-4) and the other was initially ROTP at Civ-U but then changed to ROTP at St-Jean too.
  6. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    Royal Marine covers grenade with body and survives

    Except when there's no enemy actually shooting at you - he got the GC
  7. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    UK Armed Forces Veterans Lapel Badge

    All can now apply, irrespective of dates of service - see http://www.veterans-uk.info/vets_badge/vets_badge.htm for details and application bumf
  8. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    UK Armed Forces Veterans Lapel Badge

    Thanks for clearing that up; at least in the ears they're visible, I wasn't looking forward the stereo nipple piercing that had been suggested elsewhere  and piercings anywhere else were even more :'( eye-watering :'( to contemplate  :)
  9. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    UK Armed Forces Veterans Lapel Badge

    Intended for retired personnel - I also understand that its given to serving personnel as they retire. One general observation, there doesn't seem to be any checks on the issue of this pin; I completed my form and faxed it off and left the paperwork on my desk - my wife then picked up the...
  10. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    Royal Marine covers grenade with body and survives

    Or as interpreted by the penny-pinching UK MoD, "Possible to use rucksacks in place of protective armour".
  11. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    Royal Marine covers grenade with body and survives

    Doubt the fact that he's "just a reservist" came into it - there seems to be some very strict interpretation on the requirement for enemy incoming fire to be awarded a VC; there was a case in one of the Gulf Wars where a lad ran back into a blazing armoured car to rescue others while being...
  12. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    Royal Marine covers grenade with body and survives

    He's been awarded a gong - the George Cross (since the Taliban apparently weren't firing at him his act is technically not in the face of the enemy, therefore the VC can't be awarded!). Story here...
  13. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    Two RN Destroyers unable to fire their missiles due to funding problems

    It's not the LibDems, they're the 3rd party in the UK - the current party in power is the Labour party which re-branded itself as New Labour under Bliar, and which has spent the last 11 years royally screwing everyone! Defence spending is being perpetually squeezed while operational deployments...
  14. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    Two RN Destroyers unable to fire their missiles due to funding problems

    ... and who are replacing the 12 Type 42s with only 6 Type 45s while at the same time increasing the number of HVUs that would normally require a mixed ASUW / AAW escort that, in turn, is drawn from a shrinking number of platforms! Perhaps there's an implicit assumption within the UK political...
  15. Ex-Pat FlagWagger

    Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

    Er no actually ... in the pre-JPA days everyone in the RN and RM had a service number, both officers and other-ranks. The format of the service number was a leading letter (which gave braod identification of gender, service and grade) followed by 6 numerals and a final checksum letter. In the RN...