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Search results

  1. HavocSteve

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    I handed everything in around Oct. I was completely finished the medical and interview within a month. They did call all of my references because my neighbor came outside and mentioned he received a call from the Gov. Then by the end of the day, everyone was contacted. So I assumed everything...
  2. HavocSteve

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    I called the CFRC today and ask for a follow up on my application. Seems my background check isn't completed on the Ottawa side but everything else is a green light... which is kind of disappointing. Feels pretty bad when you see people posting their BMQ start dates for the Combat Arms when your...
  3. HavocSteve

    August 2010 BMQ

    I thought Combat Arms was closed till April :S Or is the CFRC playing some kind of joke on most people? Because Artillery Soldier and Air Defense and a mention of Infantry makes me wonder if I even made in now.. EDIT : Called the CFRC and they said they were hiring now. Seems that the...
  4. HavocSteve

    Woman aims to become world's fattest

    This just isn't right... I heard about "feeder" before... people who get off watching a girl eat but this just tops the cake lol. Why on earth would someone ever do that to their body? Pretty sure her life will be cut very short due to this =\ I wonder who will carry her casket... maybe a forklift?
  5. HavocSteve

    Killing Canadians 'best way': student

    It's people like this that make me sick. I have friends who are of different color then myself that go to York U, and they would never support such things even though they might not agree with the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. I don't get why nothing is done yet.. York U is doing the right thing...
  6. HavocSteve


    Anyone notice anymore problems with the Forces website? It hasn't been working for myself for over a month or so now. My girlfriend just tonight was able to look up RMS Clerks for me on their website but I was unable to see the link she sent me  ??? 
  7. HavocSteve

    Bodies of 2 women found near Belleville, Ont.

    Is there really a day care in the high school ? That is just... can't even put a word to it =\ I don't understand that at all.. As for the poor girl who got shoot... I wish her a speedy recovery and hopefully our laws will smack this young adult around and put him where he should be for a very...
  8. HavocSteve

    Shuttle Run Calculations

    Well it took my sister over a year for her Nose and Throat specialist to call and for booking an appointment to get her tonsils removed. Not really a huge deal I don't think with the Nose.. Just have to practice breathing calm instead of gasping ahaha.
  9. HavocSteve

    Uh Oh!

    Oh that's cool that they give you free updated book and give you shots! I had to pay for Hep A and B for high school =\ I would always like to get updated on my shots so this seems so nice of them so I don't end up with lockjaw or something :S
  10. HavocSteve

    "girl pushups"

    Thanks for that hundredpushups link Techno.. Would be nice to try this out! Since I can only do like 15 =\
  11. HavocSteve

    Shuttle Run Calculations

    Don't recall breaking my nose and I've only been in one fight my whole life lol.. other then that it's been downhill bike crashes and skateboarding accidents which tend to really hurt. Only broke my foot a couple of years ago, but the 2nd day I was walking around without crutches cuz I couldn't...
  12. HavocSteve

    Shuttle Run Calculations

    Ahh ok figured as much.. one last question.. Tip on breathing? When I breath through my nose it seems like only the one side works and the other one is like not working? lol Been that way since I've been little.. like one is clogged or something. So really, I'm a mouth breather.. Just take big...
  13. HavocSteve

    Shuttle Run Calculations

    From the levels you posted fisher10.... does the 7 runs and then 8 runs mean you run back and forth that many times before you progress to another level? So in total for the level 6 minimum you have already ran back and forth 51 times? I know I'm not really a runner at all.. but I've been...
  14. HavocSteve

    Shuttle Run Calculations

    Well normal gym as in school type. Most of them are of avg. size. As for me being 21.. yes I know I shouldn't have to dig deep in order to reach level 6, but I also put on over 100pounds in the last couple of years due to my body growing. So I put on some extra flab =\ but that's why I'm working...
  15. HavocSteve

    Shuttle Run Calculations

    Well if you go to a normal gym, its the length of the outsides. so if you can run 20m and pace it, you should be able to reach level 4 if your somewhat active. It's really only a sprint once you get to level 4 and then you gotta dig deep to reach the level 6.
  16. HavocSteve

    2009 SIP List

    Oh ok.. so even if someone has that info.. they cannot and will not post it? It seems alright to post it since we're heading into the new FY.
  17. HavocSteve

    2009 SIP List

    I did a search and came up with nothing. Just wondering if anyone is even allowed to post last years  SIP numbers for the entire Military. Or possibly just the Army part as it may be to long, or possibly steer my in the right direction for a link as my searching on google isn't exactly stealth...
  18. HavocSteve

    April 2010 BMQ

    I was thinking the same thing! Also found out that a Air Defense was also hired (Artillery). I called 2 days ago and the CFRC said nothing till April for sure because they are getting everything together to get the ball rolling. Pretty sure they are doing some things but not much right now.
  19. HavocSteve

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Love the toys =D Those things are so much fun.. but here in Canada, we got laws and cottage groups that will try to ban you from using those on smaller lakes :(
  20. HavocSteve

    Unsure what to call this topic?

    Hello, Sorry for making a new topic that seems to be everywhere but it's a little bit different I guess and I'm unsure weither or not to make a new topic. Here's the question. With the budget being out as of yesterday. How long does it take for CFRCs to get notified on wither or not they can...