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  1. HavocSteve

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    Took me 4 yrs to get my car. I'll fight to keep it lol. About those Vocational Pathways, I'll have to make some calls tomorrow and see what I can do/find out and get the ball rolling. Thanks again for your help everyone. Never knew the half of this.
  2. HavocSteve

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    Car doesn't cost really a penny to upkeep. I'm moving it into the garage shortly once I clean it out. I just replaced the floors and fuel lines along with brake lines. Didn't cost me a penny since my father helped me out with it for helping him with his hot rod. I emailed my cover letter and...
  3. HavocSteve

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    It's a collectors car. I put weeks of work into it. I wouldn't get nearly what it's true value is back so therefor it will stay in the driveway till it rusts to nothing. Not only that, but afterwards, I'll be stranded if I do land a job =\
  4. HavocSteve

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    I do have a car. Unfortunately, it's a late model BMW and being my age costs quite a bit to insure. I sent you an email aswell as a PM. Thank you for your help, it's more help then my parents even offer. Very much appreciated.
  5. HavocSteve

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    Thanks for the job bank link. Emailed a few places since they have updated the site. I was emailing people my resume 2-3 times and received emails back saying they didn't want to hire me.
  6. HavocSteve

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    Thanks for the advice but it's a 20$ taxi to the GO Train from my house. I live at the north end closer to courtice. I've been job searching on localworks.ca and have been looking at the newspaper aswell. It's all in luck tbh and for myself, I'm not a very lucky guy at all.
  7. HavocSteve

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    That's why I pointed out, that I understand why they do that. Oshawa isn't exactly the downtown core where there are many jobs. Unfortunately, my parents don't give hand outs, so it's just hard to find employment within Oshawa so it's local.
  8. HavocSteve

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    I like the idea of this, but my problem is seeking out employment to start making payments. I've been working hard to get employed (dressing in pants and proper shirt like you would for an interview) but I've only had 1 interview that has lead no where. The only thing I can think of is going to...
  9. HavocSteve

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    Only thing is for myself, credit counselors sound awesome, if your employed. I haven't been able to even get a job at Tim Hortons for some reason, all the jobs in Oshawa are just sucked up so fast. I called one place, they want 500$ up front and every invoice that I have, which I do not have let...
  10. HavocSteve

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    Alright, here's the .pdf I got from a Major in Ottawa. Pertains to the credit check situation. It is called "Financial Difficulties". ------------------------------------------------------------ A person's financial situation is not necessarily a barrier to enrolment. There are a number of...
  11. HavocSteve

    i'm totaly confused....

    You just need College Prep math from grade 9-12. It also helps if you took any computer tech savvy courses like I myself have. I was worried about this when the MCpl mentioned LCIS Tech. But my math and computer tech courses I guess more then cover for Uni prep maths. Just my .2 cents. I...
  12. HavocSteve

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Ahaha, well it happens. If your out east a little bit more, Oshawa is the only CFRC within the east end (Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcastle). Did you end up doing the CFAT and such? I was finished everything within a month or 2 really but my clearance was/is taking taking forever. Not even sure...
  13. HavocSteve

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Centre: Oshawa Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: LCIS Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: October ?, 2009 First Contacted:  October ?, 2009 CFAT completed : November 4,2009 ------------------------- Re-taking CFAT June 28, 2010. References...
  14. HavocSteve

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Yea, I'm a little wiry about that. I know I'll do better because I have a photo memory so I remember most of the CFAT (Which I guess is a good thing unless they change it? lol). Just sucks that I have to rewrite it. I should have tried harder and studied more then what I have since I only wanted...
  15. HavocSteve

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    In November when I did mine, He gave me a sheet, pointed and said, you qualify for all of these trades. Which was basic Army trades (Cook and Steward and everything in between). Other then that, pulled me aside and said, "you took a lot of math in high school so why not try for combat engineer...
  16. HavocSteve

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Centre: Oshawa Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: LCIS Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: October ?, 2009 First Contacted:  October ?, 2009 CFAT completed : November ?,2009 ------------------------- Re-taking CFAT for Tech trades. Waiting on the...
  17. HavocSteve

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Do what I did.. IQ brain teasers. You can google them and find hours upon hours of IQ tests that range in difficulty and also getting GED or SAT test books from your library is also a good idea.
  18. HavocSteve

    What have you won thus far in the Roll Up the Rim?

    I've only won 3 coffees and a couple donuts (only bought about 20$ of coffees). My father on the other hand.. doesn't have to buy timmies because the lucky guy just won a gift card with 100$ on it >_<
  19. HavocSteve

    Fallen Soldiers' Parents Call for Troops to Remain in Afghanistan After 2011

    I repeat. "You know as well as I know, once we leave, our forces will be cut back for budget reasons. So this "replenish" stuff is just garbage..." Pulling out will just put our CF down the drain. If people want a civvy life.. then that is their choice. You can't ask people to fight forever...
  20. HavocSteve

    Fallen Soldiers' Parents Call for Troops to Remain in Afghanistan After 2011

    I personally think we shouldn't be leaving... Till the Taliban has gone or are changed (working with the Afghan gov.) then there is no point in leaving. The USA wasn't at war and had troops there (at home) before they were attacked. What happened to those troops? They got shipped to the country...