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  1. M

    Black Watch not allowed to follow traditional regimental parade

    I don't know - it might just be me who overstates the importance of traditions in the forces, but I've always had the impression that the military profession was the most attached to traditions, and in turn was most influenced by them. When talks were made in the 60's which ultimately led to...
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    Black Watch not allowed to follow traditional regimental parade

    I don't know if anyone of you is an avid reader of http://www.bourque.org/ like myself, but someone sent Pierre Bourque an e-mail regarding the re-routing of the annual regimental parade of the Black Watch down Sherbrooke St. See for yourself: http://www.voy.com/178771/7761.html Now I must...
  3. M

    25000 new sailors, soldiers, airmen and airwomen?

    Sounds like this is my chance to get on the train! I do hope they don't lower the enrolment standards in order to fill these positions though (not after so much effort to get in shape, no sir). Heh, I can still hear my parents questioning me on why exactly I was so supportive of the conservative...
  4. M

    Thank you Canada

    Actually, seeing how I'm trying to get in the military at the moment, now would not be the time to get involved in a fist fight - that's without mentioning that I have but one session left at the university and I wouldn't want anything to stop me from graduating in December. No, now wouldn't be...
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    Thank you Canada

    Quagmire, I understand perfectly what you're saying. I realize that teachers, and especially those who are willing to risk their lives to educate young Afghan girls, are targets of the Taliban insurgents. But as I pointed out in my previous post, I am not entirely sure that my fellow students...
  6. M

    We Were With You....tribute to our troops.

    Very moving words and very appropriate at a time where a lot of people are finally displaying long overdue attachment to the efforts of their troops. Hopefully I shall be able to be part of it real soon. In the meantime, thank you - I am with you, in thought if not in body.
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    Thank you Canada

    Reading the article is certainly refreshing - as for the comments that follow it, well they are not nearly as bad as I thought they'd be when I first read Trinity's reply: The ranting about how useless the Canadian efforts are mostly originates from a single individual who will not budge despite...
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    NOTE: Although lou133 has already explained much of what I'll be saying I figured out you really seem lost judging from your post. SO I decided to try to explain it in a bit more details. So you would like to have a picture displayed beneath your name? Is that it? If so, doing so is quite...
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    Beer Belly

    I do not know just how much fat we are talking here but I can speak from my own experience. Before starting to work out, I was pretty fat myself (although it was not due to beer intake in my case) which has led my abdominal skin to stretch quite a bit. Now the problem is of course, that despite...
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    Favourite War Books

    I have always enjoyed reading books about the German perspective during World War II, and I know I’m not alone in this world - although most around here might concentrate on the Canadian point of view. Nevertheless, I can suggest a selection of books I have read and really enjoyed: “Hitler and...