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  1. Peace

    SigOp Kit

    Well Bull just got RTU'd to kingston today. Perhaps you could talk it over in person. As a Pte i know how nice it is to have an older member talk to me like a human and give me a dose of first hand knowlege. Perhaps you could open eyes to alot of things.
  2. Peace

    The air cadet thread

    Lac is jsut a giver anyhow.  Who cares. The ones who skip LAC are the ones to watch out for, espically in a large Sqn.  I mean honestly. IF it only takes a propellor and a pat on the back to make that cadet stand tall and WANT to pollish their boots and be a better cadet cause they feel good...
  3. Peace

    SigOp Kit

    I would have to agree man.  both on the body type issue and on the burn my bisquit over reservists getting kit fresh outa their 10 weekend basic or whatever.
  4. Peace

    The air cadet thread

    actually it was more like 1998-2001
  5. Peace

    The air cadet thread

    well im from the era about a decade later... i was in from .... 2000-2003 i believe.
  6. Peace

    The air cadet thread

    roger that.
  7. Peace

    The air cadet thread

    Thats the one.  Whom did you know?
  8. Peace

    K-Bars and Cadets

    Any tool bigger than a pocket knife that would be nessissairy SHOULD be provided to you in the means of a pioneer tools store. As for the air force work dress, it is not being issued anymore BUT if you were around when it was here i think you can still wear it. other than that airforce wear...
  9. Peace

    QL4 - overseas possible?

    Yeah its Nichol, What up this bull from upstairs?
  10. Peace

    K-Bars and Cadets

    The issued gerber sucks....  Folding knife is the way to go.
  11. Peace

    Good Stories from summer courses

    Hey i didnt say it was easy.  I just youre messed.  ;D :P
  12. Peace

    Good Stories from summer courses

    I was there with my buddy who is an officer cadet. He used to be my WO1 in air cadets and I happened Upon him close to my grad from BMQ... we were in the officers mess for a beer and we heard about it.  I dont know which was you but i saw that the window that must have been yours.  That was...
  13. Peace

    What do you think?

    At this point their .02 doesnt count at all. Kids will be kids i know. But they MUST respect the rank. If you have problems with one or two inpaticuliar pull them aside or pull the seniors aside... Let them know that they are IMPORTANT at what they do now. Your need their support. Respect the...
  14. Peace

    New Reservists applying for tour-STFU

    +1  well put!
  15. Peace

    St. Jean BMQ - Inspection photos

    owned. >:D
  16. Peace

    New Reservists applying for tour-STFU

    +1 And folks... there are FAR many regs who dont understand reservists... so many  nicknames like t00n, sas WEEKENDWARRIOR, ect... Its all BS. Fact is EACH component has thier fair share of sh**pumps.  ITS NOT A RESERVISTS FAULT, that they go on a course with half the time to learn what us...
  17. Peace

    New Reservists applying for tour-STFU

    It is the soldiers job to complain... in limited amounts...  BUT if it aint raining it aint training ;D Is that just a zervist thing or do you find many of us regs complaining to the level that those boys did? Also. Sine i would KILL to go overseas and I cant yet, ...  enough said.
  18. Peace

    No more Borden BMQ?

    alrighto then
  19. Peace

    Course Numbers...?

    The course number 0227 will be labled R0227E. The E is for english.  R is for regular i believe.  When i went to BMQ in march I was R0200E and the sister PL was R0201E.
  20. Peace

    Cadet Dress in Public

    It clears it but, but its making me feel odd. I rember when i was in basic i didnt even get to take off my BIG ORNAGE BRASSARD until i was graduated, just so they knew who wasnt a full memeber.  If cadets handled themselfs to the best all the tiem like some cadets already do, then i would be...