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  1. Benoit


    what is biq life for reg in inf  meadford ...would do a search but im in basic now not enogh time lol
  2. Benoit

    Motivational Music??

    Thanks again for the info. I will be in the infantry soon im leaving for basic in a week. Im sure I will not mind the early rises and stayin awake long. I worked as a crab fisherman for the last 3 years off the grand banks of NFLD. Leaving the dock @ 3 am for a 12 hour steam while on the way...
  3. Benoit

    Motivational Music??

    Thanks infanteer for the site. Man I cant believe in BUDs school during hell week the SEALs are only allowed 4 hours sleep total in 5 days man thats wrecked  :P
  4. Benoit

    Motivational Music??

    Sorry man but the seals are US Special forces ...along with the army rangers delta force and green' s> However I wouldnt go as far to say they are the best in the world.. they are damn good but id say out jtf guys would give them a run for there money :threat:
  5. Benoit

    civy clothes to bmq?

    thanks dude :)
  6. Benoit

    civy clothes to bmq?

    Hey guys im heading off to bmq in 8 days just wanted to know how much civy clothes i should bring? thanks alot :salute:
  7. Benoit

    Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

    ruksak what the hell do your post have to do with the topic?
  8. Benoit

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    Swimming is a great way to build upper body strength but your probably no where near a pool...as mentiond b4 try doing them from your knees first this will help train your muscles to doing push-ups then when you feel comfortable move on to the regular ones b4 you know it you will be doing 30  or 40.
  9. Benoit

    2 more to the CF

    Today, well around this time 2 more people that are constant users of this site are being sworn in. So I would publicly like to say congrats to Danno and Tomas on becomming part of the CF and I would also like to say congrats to anybody else that will be joining the team. To Dan and Tom looking...
  10. Benoit

    Motivational Music??

    Listen dude you want music to pump you up not make you want to kill your mother.
  11. Benoit

    Motivational Music??

    i promise you these two songs will light the fire under your @$$. and are a must have for anybody in the armed forces espically the first one. #1. Eminem - Soldier #2. Eminem - Loose yourself
  12. Benoit

    Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

    Hey guys 14 days left until I start BMQ Regs. I was just woundering if you guys could give me a list of what you think would be the best brand of running shoe to have for BMQ. Thanks alot
  13. Benoit

    After BMQ

    Hey guys Im heading off to basic on the 16th of aug, I was just woundering where im going Inf RCR, where will I be attending SQ and BIQ. thanks alot :salute:
  14. Benoit

    20 Days left until BMQ!!!!

    Hey boys not to long eh? Lookin forward to seein you guys there at BMQ on the 17th, Also looking forward to getting my ass kicked
  15. Benoit

    Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

    Guys believe me quiting school is not the way to go. Especially if you are considering joing the CF. For instance there are a few things you should think about before making this decision. 1) You get hurt and cannot continue with training.  2) You go in for your interview and the captain says to...
  16. Benoit

    any RCRs on Forum?

    Not an RCR yet but soon will be....however I do know  a little about the regiment and there bases. pm me if you would like to know more.
  17. Benoit

    AUG 17th

    If by me posting this, and by me being intrested in this bothers you in anyway shape or form, then dont bother to reply back.
  18. Benoit

    AUG 17th

    Just to see who got there offer, anybody who is going to basic in st.jean on the 17th of aug please reply wit there name and moc. thanks alot.Reg Force Inf (031) :mg:
  19. Benoit

    Whos going RCR?

    Awesome DANNO I will have to take you out in St.Jean and show you how a Newfoundlander drinks. Im pretty firmiler with the place so I do know a few good bars hahaha. as the saying goes in Newfoundland....."Take er easy buddy" i will see you on the 17th of aug
  20. Benoit

    Whos going RCR?

    Just woundering who is going RCR and who is going to basic the 17th of aug.