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Search results

  1. B

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Well my initial inquiry was more for general information to find out what the official policy is. I've found in the last year that what I was told at the recruiting centre when I was signing up and what the real regs are are not always one and the same. If I have to pay for a course that...
  2. B

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    I guess you have no idea how much money is wasted in other parts of the military, different courses just being one of the ways. How else can you explain my participation in a First Aid course twice in a year, even though I wasn't expired yet, just because there were spots available? That is a...
  3. B

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    It has nothing to do with being unfair. The way I see it, at RMC you have a heavy courseload because you have extra required courses, correct? I am taking a physics degree, and in my first semester of my second year, I only have 4 courses out of a max of 6. I just want to be able to fill those...
  4. B

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Well gee, thanks a lot! I'm glad to see that there are still individuals out there who are willing to be helpful! It's so refreshing to hear from people who have good advice to give, and are willing to hand it out FREE OF CHARGE! Maybe you should get a job consulting, bring in some extra bucks...
  5. B

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Thanks for the info so far.. It pisses me off though that I might have to pay for a course on my own, while I was told (when recruited) that I could take whatever I wanted as long as I ended up with my specified degree at the end of it all. Granted, I don't have a lot of time to take extra...
  6. B

    Any Good Combat Engineer Stories(Funny Stories) everyone put on there helmets

    Every morning doing the commute from Camp Isfeld to DK in Kosovo, we'd pass the recce guys in the coyotes going out from DK for patrols, and every morning they had one CC (who was a real prick although I can't remember why anymore) who would sit up in the hatch looking all high and mighty with...
  7. B

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    As a civvie U student, I was under the impression that as long as I took the courses that were required for my degree, I would be left alone, unfortunately, it seems, I was wrong. I have been told that I am allowed to take the MINIMUM courses required to get my degree, and anything else after...
  8. B

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    When I went to Reg force officer from the reserve NCM side, I was told by CFRC Vancouver that I had to get out of the forces. I literally had to have my sec clearance cancelled, ALL my kit was turned in, and I cleared out of my old unit one day, just to be sworn in the next day by CFRC Vancouver.
  9. B

    Res NCM to Reg Off

    I went over to the dark side from the PRes almost a year ago, and right now I'm fighting to get my pay level back, based on the right to pay stuff that covers UTPNCM applicants. Has anyone else been through this fight? I'm basically looking for any advice on how you went about it. I'm basically...
  10. B

    Ret,. Eng. in the Militia.

    It's not the same now that Mikey (O'Conner) gone :(
  11. B

    Fast track for Immigration by joining the CF

    One thing to keep in mind that the US military has both sides of the coin. On one hand there are members of the US military that are proudly muslim and proudly serve the US, while on the other hand there are caucasian military members who have been snagged for being sympathetic to Al-Qaeda. I...
  12. B

    Bayonet obsolete? Not yet, apparently -

    I thought that was why we're recruiting ninjasnipers.. They can do ANYTHING.. Honestly though.. You are right, I didn't exactly leave any other options, but to tell you the truth, I can't think of any. Killing quietly is not an easy thing to do apparently, but maybe we need to examine if the...
  13. B

    How to iron DEU's??

    If you have your own clean iron, and if the water you use isn't high in minerals, go ahead, use your own iron on the setting that just barely gives you steam; I've had no problem with that. If you're in the shacks though, use the tea towel. I've seen guys use a brand new Kiwi cloth too (never...
  14. B

    Bayonet obsolete? Not yet, apparently -

    Hehe, this is what I've been waiting for.. The old silent bayonet. Never mind the gurgling sound you'd get from slashing a guy's throat, what about the screams from cutting him open? What's that, you're slashing his entire throat out? Oh, well what about when his lung full of air rushes out...
  15. B

    Particle beam weapons SCI FI or reality in the coming decades?

    Again, source? Where is your data?
  16. B

    Computer Shopping-

    Yeah stay away from Staples, particularly their extended warranty. I sent my computer off because the floppy drive stopped working, and it took 3 months to get it back and I had to fight for that. They wanted to settle with me and offered me $190 for a $1500 computer. I finally got my computer...
  17. B


    The article (actual, not media), doesn't seem that bad. I think that it makes some decent recommendations, and doesn't attack the common soldier, but seems interested in how to improve life for those in the lower ranks. Maybe if the WO's didn't rush people so much to finish their surveys, there...
  18. B

    Has anyone had anything stolen?

    Ok I remember another good one, although it wasn't stolen by a soldier.. Guy, if you're out there, you should remember this one well.. Two duffle bags, Vimy Ridge, both full of beer.. Probably shouldn't have left them alone.. Finding out the hard way that our idea of sleeping under the stars...
  19. B

    Has anyone had anything stolen?

    I had a guy switch his fleece with mine once on tour. When his was issued, apparently it was too small. So he decided to take mine and leave his for me. It was interesting to put mine on one morning (after I'd been wearing it for months) and find that suddenly the thing wouldn't zip up and the...
  20. B


    If you keep the training up year long then there shouldn't need to be a workup, right? It doesn't have to be hardcore, just once every couple of weeks would maintain it right (once you have the ability anyways)?