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  1. iamcanadian3885

    Korean War

    Thanks guys... I got the book, (blood on the hills) looks like it‘ll help, they had a copy at my local library. Thanks for your help :salute: :cdn:
  2. iamcanadian3885

    Reserve Training in Toronto

    Hey guys, I have one question, hopefully someone could answer it... I did great on all my tests, now I have one problem... I had to go get med tests done to determine if I had asthma (cuz like an idiot i mention i had it in adolescence). Anyways, I got the test back, and I had no problems, no...
  3. iamcanadian3885

    Korean War

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone had any good sources or information for the impact of the Korean War on Canada. I‘m writting a research essay on the topic, and I‘m having trouble finding some information other than the actual facts of battles. I‘m looking, other than for battle facts and...
  4. iamcanadian3885

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    For me, push-ups had never been a problem. However, a week before my PT test, I got nailed twice by a puck (I‘m a goalie). I thought I was done for, got physio, and what not, still had a bruised bone, tendon, muscle. Went for the test, all worried, hadn‘t done any pushups since the injury...
  5. iamcanadian3885

    The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

    Igor, If your anything like me, reserves is the best way to go. It‘ll give you a taste of what to expect in the military, and give you a chance for full time service if you want it. As per your questions, combat medic summed them up nicely. Honestly though, the more I learn, the more I want...
  6. iamcanadian3885


    Sorry, I guess your right, its just the process is so long, and is hindering my chances for getting sworn in on time for basic. The other problem is getting appointments with my doctor, takes weeks, then another couple weeks to get the proper testing done. Just such a hassle. I‘ll sit tight...
  7. iamcanadian3885


    the time it takes for everything to be processed is terrible. I had trouble this winter going from hot to cold, lost my breath a couple of times. This was the first time this has happened to me. I play several sports so in order to avoid this I got an inhaler. Now I used this inhaler only...
  8. iamcanadian3885


    Well 2morrow is Canada day everyone. How are you celebrating? If you could name one thing about Canada that you feel makes it great, what would it be? Enjoy the Day everyone, this country kicks ***, so lets show our pride :) :cdn:
  9. iamcanadian3885

    Training Preparations

    Thanks for the tips, Kurokaze and Maven... Ya most of the time my biggest problem is the fact that I end up running alone, its always been easier when someone else is around. The problem is, I‘m the only one I know of around here that gets up and goes for a run early in the morning. So I...
  10. iamcanadian3885

    Training Preparations

    Ya I guess 5 would be a lot better, don‘t want to go in with the bare minimum... Guess I‘ll try the work up schedule Apocalypse posted. 8-10 kms tho eh... Thats quite the run. Ah well, better get used to it :cdn:
  11. iamcanadian3885

    Training Preparations

    Thanks a lot guys... I can‘t wait for basic, but being prepared properly is gonna make it that much better... Just another quick question, whats a good prepared running distance for Pres basic. Like right now I‘m setting a 3km minimum goal for distance, is this good? Thanks ;) :cdn:
  12. iamcanadian3885

    Training Preparations

    Ya it‘d do us both a great deal. You goin regs or reserves inferno?
  13. iamcanadian3885

    Training Preparations

    Ya it‘d do us both a great deal. You goin regs or reserves inferno?
  14. iamcanadian3885

    Training Preparations

    Hey I was wondering if anyone could give me a quick reference on a training prep schedule. Basically what and how to work out in order to maintain a good level of endurance as well as physical strength. Thanks
  15. iamcanadian3885

    Preping for Training

    Thanks E.D.L
  16. iamcanadian3885

    Preping for Training

    Hey everyone, I was wondering what some of you did to prepare for basic. In the field of physical training. If anyone has any insight into this it‘d be much appreciated. Thanks, Brandon
  17. iamcanadian3885

    A country worth fighting for? -A political Scenerio

    Quite simply, I am a Canadian. Canada is more worth defending than my own life. Furthermore, so are the people. If such a situation were to occur... I fight for Canada, for the people, even if our government had become so lacking as in this scenario... As was quoted before, we‘ve heard the...
  18. iamcanadian3885

    Questions regarding the recruiting process

    Well for me it was a relatively long process. However the order it went in was the CFAT test followed by the PT test on the same day. A while later I was contacted and had my interview then Medical. I‘m joining as a reservist and noticed while getting all my testing that it varied from person...