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Search results

  1. RHC_2_MP

    RWG Impossible Solutions

    I know everyone's awaiting with baited breath the solutions the PM going to pick up from the RWG.  There are some great solutions out there, they'll never discuss because they're too, i don't know, logical....  But instead I put foreward to you, members of Army.ca, my...well not really my ideas...
  2. RHC_2_MP

    How many MPs are on this site?

    one more Reg....
  3. RHC_2_MP

    Canada’s clunker subs should be sold as scrap

    Correct me if I'm wrong but, our NATO allies will only share Intel gathered by subs to other nations with submarines.  So if we scrap our fleet, or what's left of it, we lose a huge amount of influence with out partners and a lot of friendly eyes helping to watch our waters.  Also there's the...
  4. RHC_2_MP

    MPs at Wainright

    Thanks for the info guys...from what your telling me, i'm sure in a few months time i'll be on suicide watch from a combination of lack of Tim's and bordom!
  5. RHC_2_MP

    MPs at Wainright

    I am being posted to Wainright in October and i was wondering if anyone had any info about the Det. or the base and/or area itself. Cheers!
  6. RHC_2_MP

    Question about 3's

    Actually mighty mouse, you can have a personal laptop or computer in your room during the course, but for in class stuff they actually supply one for you.  The only down side is that you can't take it with you back and forth.  So i suggest you get yourself a datastick or flash drive, (most of...
  7. RHC_2_MP

    Education Requirements to become a MP or MPO

    i believe i heared that starting in september they we're eliminating SQ entirely and simply putting all the info into a 16 week(i believe) "basic" course? anyone else heared this?
  8. RHC_2_MP

    MP's and PRETC

    i was in PRETC for 4 months....the longest and dullest  four months of my LIFE!!!!!!  I'm now thankfully in the academy with course 0041 hooah...but PRETC is HELL!!!! the shorter time there the better not only is it rampant with drugs and the such but most of the time you do ABSOLUTLY NOTHING...
  9. RHC_2_MP

    Does anyone have any dates for MP QL 3 in 2006?

    I'm right now waiting in PRETC for my course to start on the 10th of April .  There are 23 of us in total right now and we al have course dates for the 10th.  But there is a franco whose here whose course starts in September and i heared today of a second english course starting sometime in May. 
  10. RHC_2_MP

    When will we know?

    Well boys the news is in, call your local recruiting center.  Good luck to everybody.... Hope to see you on course, cause i got in!!!! :)