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  1. teddybear

    Fanshawe College Anti-military Demonstration

    "The protesters littered the floor surrounding the bodies with white crosses with the names of the 78 soldiers who have been killed to-date during Canada’s involvement with Operation Athena in Afghanistan." "According to one of the Forces recruiters who witnessed the protest, it was only the...
  2. teddybear

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    That is along the lines that I was wondering. So, then his choice becomes deploy or face the music. My opinion: suck it up and face the charge. Although, easy for me to say when I'm not in that position.
  3. teddybear

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    Just out of curiosity...are the regs that different in the States that these soldiers can't just release? If you don't want to deploy, then get out of the military. Or is it that once you're in, they can deny a release or call you out of retirement and require you to deploy?
  4. teddybear

    Tattoo Question: Gun or Soldier?

    I got my tattoo at 32. I got one that would mean the same to me then as it would 50 years from now....a poppy with my deceased husband's name under it. It has personal meaning that will never change. Don't be in a rush just to get one. Wait til you get the right design and meaning for you. That...
  5. teddybear

    Soldiers lauded at Flames game

    The Sens are having their Forces Appreciation Night on Jan 17th.
  6. teddybear

    Re: LAV Rollover Kills Two Canadians- January 6 2008

    RIP to you both.  :salute: Deepest condolences to the families.  :cdn:
  7. teddybear

    Soldier Dies, Layton Calls For Pullout, Repeat

    The last thing the families want to hear his Taliban Jack spouting off his big mouth. At that moment of complete devestation, the families are looking for meaning in their loved one's death. His little tirade attempts to negate everything that these soldiers stood for and believed in. I can't...
  8. teddybear

    Gunner Jonathan Dion - 5th Regiment d'Artillerie legere du Canada - 30 Dec. 2007

    RIP soldier.  :salute: The rest of the boys are waiting for you on the other side.    :cdn:
  9. teddybear

    Families of 5 Fallen Make Trip to Kandahar

    I'm with Mr. Payne. Given the chance, I would go in a heartbeat. Just like those family members visit car crash sites to be at the place where their loved one died, the same for us. It would bring closure. Most people are with their loved ones when they die. We just receive their body. Maybe a...
  10. teddybear

    Operation Medusa: The Battle For Panjwai - Part 2

    Wow!! Hard to read about my friends but very well done!!  :salute:
  11. teddybear

    Power Outage

    I heard it was a planned outage to remove a tree! Why they couldn't do that during daylight is beyond me!! ::)
  12. teddybear


    My situation is completely different. However, I found that if VAC needed any information, I faxed the info directly to the head office in PEI. By doing this, my case was settled much quicker (3-6 months) as opposed to those widows that dealt with their case worker at the local office. I wish...
  13. teddybear

    2nd Grader Suspended for Drawing Gun

    For crying out loud! I remember when I was in grade school, the boys brought cap guns to play with at recess. And we all played cowboys and indians and cops and robbers! Would they have suspended the whole freakin school?  ::)
  14. teddybear

    The Politics of Yellow Ribbons - MERGED

    That I agree with. However, they don't need to pressure those that do support the troops. What they need to do is inform themselves on what our troops are actually accomplishing in that country. Then, if they still disagree with the mission, pressure the government to end it in Feb 09.
  15. teddybear

    The Politics of Yellow Ribbons - MERGED

    I wish these groups would just mind their own businesses. If they chose to NOT support the troops, then that is their choice. BUT don't pressure others to stop visibly supporting them because you have a problem with the mission in Afghanistan.    :threat: And to think that my husband died for...
  16. teddybear

    Cpl. Nathan Hornburg Killed in Afghanistan- 25 Sept/07

    RIP soldier  :salute: Speedy recovery to the wounded.  :cdn:
  17. teddybear

    New Group "takes aim at military messaging"

    I am a military widow and MCSO and Juarez do not speak for me or my family!
  18. teddybear

    Great Idea - Bedtime story from a conflict zone

    That article almost made me cry. What a wonderful gift to give your children. One of the best things that my husband ever did was make a stuffed animal for both my girls with his voice recorded in it saying he loved them. Little did we know how precious those bears would be. At least my girls...
  19. teddybear

    Sdt. Simon Longtin, 3e Bn, Royal 22e -- 19 août 07

    RIP soldier.  :salute: You've done your time in hell. The rest of the boys will meet you on the other side.  Deepest condolances to the family.
  20. teddybear

    Happy Birthday HitorMiss!

    Happy Birthday, HoM! Hope you're not too hungover today!!!