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  1. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    spud, I hear what you're saying but you're wrong... it (VRing) won't happen again.
  2. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    cdnaviator, I understand that sleep can be a luxary in the military and that irregular sleep patterns are part of the job and I can accept that.. even now sometimes I only get like 4 hrs/night. Like I said previously my step dad was in the airforce for 35 years as a Flight Engineer so I've heard...
  3. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    NavComm, I can't tell by your post if you're being sincere or if your mocking me... if your sincere thanks for the comments but by no means do I want/need a easier ride than any other recruit (I know I'll pass BMQ when I returned, cuz I'll be better prepared phys/mentally)   but I would like to...
  4. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    Thanks guys for the replies and info.... my trade was/is RMS Clerk second choice was Trafic Tech ... and yes the military is definetly my career choice (my step dad retired w/35 yrs of service- so I have a great source of info) . Looking back now it's hard for me not to "kick myself in the...
  5. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    Hi, 2 months ago I returned home from BMQ (Reg Force in St.Jean) after putting in a VR... A day after returning home and "sleeping on it" I realised that I had made a big mistake in leaving (was also having major second thoughts while stuck on Pat for a month) and that I lost my focus and sight...
  6. NJL

    BMQ and Teamwork

    This topic reminds me of something I saw in a CBC/BMQ Video were the platoon instructor said something like "nowadays more youth are playing videogames/computer and less team sports (hockey, baseball ,etc) whereas in the past alot of recruits had been on a number of sports teams before going on...
  7. NJL

    anyone going to BMQ July 31st? (St. Jean)

    I just need to get a couple more things this week and I'll have all the items off the list... I actually had 2 lists one for borden (was suppose to do bmq there before it got cancelled) and a list for st. jean... the borden list as a few items more items on it (starch/locks, etc.)... I'm told...
  8. NJL

    anyone going to BMQ July 31st? (St. Jean)

    R.McLean were on the same flight I also think we were sworn in together(June 12), but not 100% sure. My name is N. Little and I'm 26. I'm also going in as a (RMS) clerk... It's less than a week now.. the times going pretty fast.. I'm pretty well ready to go I just gotta get a few things done...
  9. NJL

    Canadian Forces Salute Video

    Great video lots of great images... Our recruting commericals/video should be more like this video... it would probably make alot of people wanna sign on the dotted line.  :salute:
  10. NJL

    anyone going to BMQ July 31st? (St. Jean)

    I figured with only 12 days to go I'd refresh this post incase someone missed it the first time around... it should be an adventure and a great experience... Good luck to all recruits "shipping out" for BMQ soon... remember we gotta work as a team and stay positive :salute:   
  11. NJL

    After BMQ - PAT [Merged]

    I think once BMQ is completed, the situation is different for everybody... I've heard of people getting a couple weeks off, others have gone straight to their training base (i.e. Borden) to wait for their trade course to start... another friend of mine while waiting in Borden after BMQ got sent...
  12. NJL

    Question about BMQ Remedial training

    It's good to hear that your son's doing better... Did you son do lots of running before BMQ? Was the first week really hard for him? Just curious... I leave for St-Jean in a couple months and these boards have been very helpful. When does his BMQ start up?
  13. NJL


    Jesso, it sucks that you've waited so long.. keep calling, stay positive and stay focused... nothing worth while ever came easy... or so I've been told... On a side note; I'm surprised at how slow the recuriting process is for some folks here, months without hearing back from the RC's is a...
  14. NJL

    anyone going to BMQ July 31st? (St. Jean)

    Yeah they must be... I confirmed today that's mine's still June 12.
  15. NJL

    anyone going to BMQ July 31st? (St. Jean)

    I was told to be there on June 12 at 1:30, ceremony at 3:15.... what where you told before the course date change, cuz the lady said my enrollement date didn't change. I might give them a call on Friday, just to confirm the date.
  16. NJL

    anyone going to BMQ July 31st? (St. Jean)

    S McPhee, It sounds like we're in pretty well in the same situation... I'm also getting sworn in at the CFRC in Halifax, but I was told mine's June 12 not 13... I got my call yesterday (Wed) afternoon, was a little bit dissapointed at first with having to wait the extra time... but I guess it...
  17. NJL

    anyone going to BMQ July 31st? (St. Jean)

    I'm starting BMQ (St. Jean) on July 31, was supposed to start July 3 in borden.. but the course got cancelled :( Regular Force: RMS Clerk.