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  1. NJL

    Questions regarding VFS/ re-applying after a "VR" 6 mths ago

    Thanks geo... I understand that I'm gonna be asked some questions about why I VR'd/ what's different,etc... for which I can answer.... I basically had a couple health issues and lost focus, I've have regretted it for 6 months... can't wait to get back in. So if my file is being handled by...
  2. NJL

    Questions regarding VFS/ re-applying after a "VR" 6 mths ago

    anyone? I'm gonna contact my RC shortly and ask them these questions.. but figured I'd check here first, alot of great info can be found here.
  3. NJL

    Questions regarding VFS/ re-applying after a "VR" 6 mths ago

    Hi, I recently(almost 2 weeks ago) re applied for the CF after waiting my 6 mths after VRing during BMQ (biggest mistake/long story(posted about it before)) and I have few unanswered questions, any insight would be appreciated... yes I've done a search. 1. When does a file get archived and sent...
  4. NJL

    Internet at the MEGA

    I agree w/ the last poster, internet cafe is the way to go... the internet at the mega is pricey (2$-10 min) whereas there's a internet cafe close by charges 4$-1 hr.
  5. NJL

    physical confusion and questions

    I agree with you, i don't understand why the CF started accepting/babying people out of shape... If you're gonna truly accept the challenge (BMQ),know the standards before applying and get into shape before getting there or don't even get on the plane... I'm reapplying (was on BMQ during the...
  6. NJL

    CFLRS Info

    when I was on PAT(Sept)/re apllying with the CF in a couple months) I heard there was a rumor that PAT might be moved off the CFLRS... geeez 230 on PAT is crazy.. when I was there there was like 60-70 and even that seems like alot, the blue sectors must be pretty full...  New recruits FYI: blue...
  7. NJL

    CFLRS Info

    It doesn't really matter but I wouldn't mind seeing a part of the country I've never been (haven't traveled west of Ontario) plus I've been to the CFLRS in St Jean before (was doing BMQ but made the big mistake of VRing) and it is pretty crowded (the lineup for breakfast can get pretty long...
  8. NJL

    CFLRS Info

    It would be nice if there was more CFLRS (Reg Force) besides St Jean and to a lesser extent Borden... sounds like St jean is getting pretty crowded... maybe do it like community college and have a number of CFLRS campuses through out Canada... I wouldn't mind doing reg force bmq in either...
  9. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    Great white, I also made the big mistake of VRing during BMQ (for different reasons than you) and am planning on replying asap... here's my post I started about a month ago on the topic: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/52927.0.html You gotta wait at least 6 months (from release) before...
  10. NJL

    Looking for basic training grad pictures

    congrats to your son... I'm not sure about the recruit school in Borden but I know the school in St. Jean(CFLRS) has it's own website and you can view their grad photos and list there... it takes a few weeks to get them updated. I remeber a few months ago trying to find out info about BMQ in...
  11. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I agree this topic is going no wheres now (around and around) hopefully it will die down... I got the answers to my questions (along time ago) which is all I wanted from this topic
  12. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    All this talk about sleep is making me tired ;)I'm kidding.... When I first started this topic all I was doing was trying to get some answer to a few questions about re-applying after VRing... I never thought it would turn into such a long topic, but thats OK...\ 1. Lack of sleep (the issues...
  13. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I hear what you saying, Infantry are A+ in my book... they're on the frontlines (in places like Afganistan) doing/seeing crazy things, risking their lives for our country... true hereo's in every sence of the word. 
  14. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    cdnaviator I realize that BMQ is just the beginning(then comes QL3's) and from there on sleep isn't guarnteed to nobody... I can remember my Platoon Commander saying "once we get to Farnham rules are I gotta give you guy 5 hrs of sleep/day but it doesn't say when and at what times) thanks for...
  15. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I never once have said that when I don't get 6 hrs of sleep I experience these problems... even now in my civy life I sometimes only get 3-4 hrs of sleep and am able to function fine with no problems. I've even gone a couple days without sleep and have been fine... I'm not saying that lack of...
  16. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    Thanks armychickenlittle for the info..  but my trade choices are RMS (I took 2 yrs of accounting/business in college) and Trafic Tech, I was accepted as a RMS clerk before so I'll probably stick with it and wait a few months to reapply (gives me more time to train)... I think some people here...
  17. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    Thanks Infantry, that's all I'm saying.... is it's up to me to change and pass the courses...which I plan on doing Cdnaviator thanks for wishing me good luck and I know you have your doubts but time will tell.
  18. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I'm actually gonna be a RMS Clerk not a chef I was just using it as an example. I know it won't be 9-5 job and I undersatnd and agree with alot of what your saying... all I'm saying is that BMQ is Step 1.... then QL3's, etc.. it goes in steps, BMQ helps recruits with the change from civy to...
  19. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I've changed my sleep pattern  to match the BMQ schedule (getting up at 5 bed by 11), I'm also trainng differently to better match the BMQ course (more early moring running)... currently I'm training/ getting ready for BMQ not for 5 years from now that's what BMQ/QL's,etc help teach/train To...
  20. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    cdnaviator, your right maybe at the time I could deal with the change in lifestyles (civy to BMQ)... that's why I'm gonna do a better job of preparing for it next time... anyways like others have said BMQ is only a few months and after that (depending on trade/element) ones day-day military...