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  1. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I reapplied back in Feb 07 after making the stupid mistake of VRing and have been waiting since then to get my interview/medical done... I stayed in contact w/ my CFRC getting regular updates and for the past few months was being told that everything is done(PLAR/VFS,etc) except we're just...
  2. NJL

    A few question regarding OMDs (original med docs)

    Well I called the bookings clerk today and it turns out the request (via email) for my OMDS was being sent to people that no longer work at the CFLRS... and the request wasn't getting to the people that actually work there now... The request was resent to the proper people (fingers crossed lol)...
  3. NJL

    A few question regarding OMDs (original med docs)

    I called my CFRC's bookings clerk on thursday and asked him about my OMDs.. he said he's surprised it's taken this long, and that he was gonna email st jean to try and find out more info... if he didn't hear anything by today(fri) he'd give them a call... so hopefully he'll get to the bottom of...
  4. NJL

    Worst choice..quitting the forces

    I agree/understand your point.. I felt like crap for awhile after leaving my platoon mates (seeing their grad pic online didn't help either).. but I knew that I could either continue feeling like crap/regretting my decision or actually do something about it, so I reapplied and hope to be back in...
  5. NJL

    A few question regarding OMDs (original med docs)

    I reapplied back in Feb07 after making the mistake of VRing in Sept06 during BMQ(reg) in St. Jean... I'm told by my file manager that everything is done (VFS/PLAR,etc) except for they're still waiting on my OMDs from St. Jean.. they were requested in the middle of March (3+ months ago).. 3...
  6. NJL

    Worst choice..quitting the forces

    I'm glad your not in recruiting, your entitled to your opinion but I (and others) disagree with it... no one here was asking for symphony or a hug were just sharing our experiences (and past mistakes) that's what these forums are for... everyone makes mistakes that doesn't mean we can't learn...
  7. NJL

    Wondering if there is a start date sometime in September?

    Anyone know how many BMQ (reg) courses will be starting up in sept at st jean? there's 4 weeks in sept, so 4 would be great... I'm hoping to get a september bmq date.. I'm reappling and hope to have my interview/medical checkup done soon. I reapplied back in feb and am currently just waiting on...
  8. NJL

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    You'll probably have to get a cab.. when I went last fall almost all the guys coming to st jean via train had to get one... I  came via plane from Halifax and it seemed like the whole plane was full of recruits lol..we had a bus waiting for us at the airport (look for the guys in military...
  9. NJL

    Most Important

    I totally agree... I've never looked at my caller id so much lol.
  10. NJL

    what i hear...

    This must've changed this year.. last fall while I was doing bmq. we had all three elements, from airforce clerks to army infantry.. when did this change? it makes sense (get to train with course mates longer and on different course), even though I liked having all three together... look forward...
  11. NJL

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    lol, someone should've told this to my intructors, even worse when it's in french (which I don't speak). 
  12. NJL

    Visiting the Dentist on BMQ...

    being kicked off for having a cavity..lol.. no chance. I haven't gone through/completed BMQ yet, but I've read/been told there is a dentist checkup in like week 5 or 6.. if ya need work done they'll let ya know then..but the work doesn't get done until after bmq and depending on your training...
  13. NJL

    BMQ Saint Jean July 17th ...anyone?

    wrong spot.. see basic training forum
  14. NJL

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    So true, I'm rejoining the reg force after a VR during BMQ.. everything is completed (VFS/PLAR,etc) except for getting my previous med docs... I reapplied back on Feb 15 not sure why the med docs are taking so long .. I'm keeping updated w/ my CFRC and trying to find out why the delay (no...
  15. NJL

    Staring BMQ in July 2007?? Roll Call!!

    I agree on both of these points... I lost like 20 lbs and was only there for 5 weeks (made the huge mistake of VRing I'm in the process of rejoining), I've heard of people loosing like 40lbs while on bmq.. during the summer months you're pretty well sweating all the time, lol (drill, pt,etc)...
  16. NJL

    March Madness - Selection Boards 07

    If ya didn't do well enough on the cfat to make combat engineer... why would they offer it to ya? Not positive, but if ya do poorly(don't qualify for your trade choice) don't they allow you to rewrite the cfat after waiting a certain period of time? If ya want CE why not study/ rewrite?
  17. NJL


    While I wasn't able to finish BMQ the first time (I VR'd but am in the process of rejoining), I totally agree.. I sometimes drive my friends/family nuts with all my military talk/ bmq memories... "I remember when I was in Quebec(st.jean)..." sorta like the phrase from American pie... "this one...
  18. NJL

    why is it one recruiting center says one thing and another something else?

    I've had a similar experience... I'm in the process of reapplying (after a Vr during BMQ) and the whole waiting on a VFS and getting old med docs is frustrating, but will be worth it in the long-run... A  few weeks ago the clerk that I had been getting regular updates from told me that my...
  19. NJL

    Anyone Else's Enrollment Going So Fast?

    AVN and AVS are also both in-demand trades (not as much as CA/infantry, though)... why not start off doing one of them?
  20. NJL

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    1. Even when your exhausted, try to be a good listener... nothing worse than hearing the same question being asked multiple times. 2. Team work is everything... Get to know everyone in your platoon (even if you don't like everyone)...use each others strengths to help the team succeed... Support...