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  1. formerarmybrat23

    I applied today.

    you've taken the first step! Congrats. Keep us updated! what were your choices?
  2. formerarmybrat23

    Experienced opinion only please

    I am also leaving my son when I goto basic and my training. He will be with family and it will certainly be hard because he will change so much. My biggest fear is that he will forget me, which is making me tear up a little right now (he just turned one). But I know in the long run this will...
  3. formerarmybrat23

    Formerarmybrat23s story: Just say "no" kids!

    UPDATE: Called to do my 2 week checkin left a message for the Captain to call me back. Recieved callback a few hours later. In short I GOT MERIT LISTED TODAY!!. I'm pretty excited. This has been a very long journey. He said to call next week as I should have a job offer by then! Basic here I...
  4. formerarmybrat23

    Tim Hortons hiking prices on coffee, bagels

    i was in alberta for a year and was grateful that they had interac. I am not a cash girl, all my purchases are from debt. Also less tax would not effect price as it is not money that they keep (you minus your GST paid from your GST from sales. That is the total cheque you send in). Also prices...
  5. formerarmybrat23

    The Michael Moore Super Thread- Merged

    I have never been seriuosly ill or needed to go to the doctor more then once a year. I have heard the horror stories of wait lists and all that. I would still choose this system. As it is "free" (no monthly fee) I am willing to endure long waits in the ER and other such inconviences. All because...
  6. formerarmybrat23

    Wondering what BASIC TRAINING is like? Watch the video. (BASIC UP)

    agreeing wiht spectr and crantor. Keep this thread on track guys. On a different note. I wrote an email asking if they could up load complete episodes. They said it wasnt possible and that they would only be showing newer short clips. Guess they don't want to scare away us newbies. A little...
  7. formerarmybrat23

    A certain bar in Ottawa

    he probably had a few run ins with soldiers who can't handle their drinks. Maybe he's got a grudge against soldiers for that reason.  I don't know. I do know that when a man gets a little power ( even if it just deciding who gets in), they tend get a "god complex". All the sudden they are always...
  8. formerarmybrat23

    Canada's First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, etc. (merged)

    theres nothing i can say about this situation that won't violate the paper I just signed upon completing my enrollment interview. That being said, they as a goup have never had my support, and contiuing with these antics, I seriously doubt they will get anyones. Imagine the police reaction if...
  9. formerarmybrat23

    Canada's First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, etc. (merged)

    Armed native protesters block Ontario highway, railway line Warrant issued for leader    http://www.canada.com/topics/news/story.html?id=80f830b1-f459-4b54-a9d5-50d281784ec5 Published: Friday, June 29, 2007 Article tools DESERONTO, Ont. -- The Ontario Provincial Police took action early this...
  10. formerarmybrat23


    how true that is beands. Live for yourself not your friends. It took me years to figure that out. Alot of times friends mean more then family, especially before you have a family of your own. Pursue your goals, anyone who can't support you is probably trying to look out for their own interests...
  11. formerarmybrat23

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    either did I reeceguy. Thanks. I knew it was R something. But you get my point he has the worst you can have. Mine is not bad, just a few late payments (it took me a while to realize internet and telephone banking has a processing wait time). I try not to worry about credit a whole lot. Its a...
  12. formerarmybrat23

    It's hot and humid... let's go running

    The guy writes a beautifully descriptive story, and all they can do is nah say. A few paragraph breaks would have been nice, but the quailty of the language and thought makes up for it. I enjoyed it alot. Japan is probably a beautiful place (can't say I've been). It is real dedication to keep...
  13. formerarmybrat23

    remember this when you go for a jog

    geez all those replys and no one found it funny? o well i guess my dad told it better! :king:
  14. formerarmybrat23

    remember this when you go for a jog

    well he had his ruck on and is an older guy (mid-40s). I know how boys are they make fun of everything. In that town in particular alot of them don't care for military personnel.
  15. formerarmybrat23

    remember this when you go for a jog

    i'm not understanding your point Yres.  A man should be able to go for a run without persecution.
  16. formerarmybrat23

    remember this when you go for a jog

    My father told me a funny story the other day I thought it was good to share. Here it is: My father was practicing his PT the other day. He was running a walking trail behind some houses. He was passing one with three young guys (late teens/early twenties) mowing a lawn, and he noticed that...
  17. formerarmybrat23

    My Asthma story

    Congrats Crisco! you over came the 3% chance! good luck in the future! ;D
  18. formerarmybrat23

    The Politics of Yellow Ribbons - MERGED

    this news story says the above So joanne miller sent this email to you before the vote obviously. I hate those letters that start with "thank you" and end with "we are doing what we want to anyways". Maybe more people then we know wrote in expressing their feelings.
  19. formerarmybrat23

    Change Occupation Choices ( merged )

    i just completed my interview last week. The interviewer told me if I wanted to change my choices,  now would be the time. *edited for grammar
  20. formerarmybrat23

    The Politics of Yellow Ribbons - MERGED

    I have also just sent a letter to the mayor. I am not much for words ( i find it hard to organize all my thoughts) but my point was made.  I ended with "i hope you recieve 1000's more letters just like mine" thats all we can do I guess. I get so tired of a loud mouth few, that somehow manage to...