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  1. formerarmybrat23

    Formerarmybrat23s story: Just say "no" kids!

    Thanks everyone. If i make friends with someone with a computer, I'll keep you updated! 
  2. formerarmybrat23

    Formerarmybrat23s story: Just say "no" kids!

    So after being told i was going to St jean for the 10th. My final papers tell me I'm off to Borden! I swore in today.  A funny thing happened. I left at 9:35 and drove into sydney from Glace Bay arriving at 5 to 10. I ran into the CFRC all in a panic "saying am I late?". They laughed and said...
  3. formerarmybrat23

    Miss Teen USA

    For her sake i hope she marrys into money......good god!  >:(
  4. formerarmybrat23

    Waiting for a BMQ date.

    hey glad to hear you are doing well. I'm heading off on the 8th to St. Jean. Worried about this express test, but practicing as much as possible before hand.  Good luck on the rest of your BMQ. Keep us updated  :D
  5. formerarmybrat23

    BMQ September 2007 - ALL locations Thread

    i didn't see that either! i suppose anything forgotten can be picked up at the canex sure enough.
  6. formerarmybrat23

    BMQ September 2007 - ALL locations Thread

    anyone else swearing in aug 30 in sydney?
  7. formerarmybrat23

    BMQ September 2007 - ALL locations Thread

    Hey People! Big change of plans. Instead of leaving OCt 1st, I've taken an earlier opening! Leaving Sept 10th for St. Jean. See you all there! Feel free to msg me if you are leaving the same time.
  8. formerarmybrat23

    Scientists hail ‘frozen smoke’ as material that will change world

    I already posted this article yesturday. Mods?
  9. formerarmybrat23

    New email scam-RBC fininical group

    I'm not sure about RBC but Td has an area on their online banking site to report such emails. https://www.tdcanadatrust.com/easyweb5/help/banking/report.jsp tracked down RBC's site for reporting a fraud http://www.rbc.com/security/contact-security.html be aware. Its best just to delete any...
  10. formerarmybrat23

    Scientists hail ‘frozen smoke’ as material that will change world

    Scientists hail ‘frozen smoke’ as material that will change world http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/science/article2284349.ece
  11. formerarmybrat23

    "BMQ on such-and-such a date " threads.......

    just saying that some of us are listening and performing a search before.  Though i see how you would get flustered over lockign and merging or even deleting things all the time.
  12. formerarmybrat23

    "BMQ on such-and-such a date " threads.......

    i started an october one and did search before and found nothing. So far i am all by my lonesome anyways :(
  13. formerarmybrat23

    washroom problems

    i think i'd rather hover in the bushes somewhere.
  14. formerarmybrat23

    washroom problems

    yes i that. no harm in giving a nod to a funny story. I cant imagine having any conversations while in the bathroom. besides a comment on the stinkyness of the situation. blah!
  15. formerarmybrat23

    washroom problems

    geo i restarted this thread a few weeks ago tanners post is from today lol
  16. formerarmybrat23

    BMQ October 2007 - ALL locations

    hmmm another one that gets the call morethen a month later then me and is leaving sooner. They must have so many spots for clerks in one BMq or something. But I won't question the system as long as it works for me!
  17. formerarmybrat23

    CF "seducing and preying" upon Canadian Youth - News Clip

    I don't believe this will hurt recruiting at all. Making the decison to join is up to the individual, no matter how much "preying" goes on. Also, with the length of the recruting process there is more then enough time to ponder your choice. Its easier to back out of the army then univeristy, at...
  18. formerarmybrat23

    BMQ October 2007 - ALL locations

    The title sums it up. Hoping to chat with anyone heading out October 1st. My flight is supposed to be sept 29th or 30th but offical start date is the 1st. Getting to know anyone before leaving would be a big anxiety relief. I am also in the sydney area if anyone wants to hang out before. so...
  19. formerarmybrat23

    Diabetics in the CF

    Ya I woudnt worry about it at all. There is diabetes on both sides of my family, along with cancer, and smoking related issues (asthma, emphazema, etc). Family history can be a factor in illness, but that doesnt mean your health and death are already in stone.