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  1. Dale Turner

    CFMG becoming more "clinical"?

    Mike_R23a       Most of the medics I work with are like the example that you used. We/they are highly motivated, competant and eager to please the units we support.  Every where you go you will get the odd @%&! pump that needs an attitude adjustment but that can be any trade, CSS or combat...
  2. Dale Turner

    Can reserve medics be attached to a Combat Arms unit?

    medic2ic,      New development in my personal situaion.   My CO has said he will allow me to parade with 31 CER, 48 Fd Sqn in Waterloo in my current MOC.   I guess that every time the engineers do anything with explosives they need a QL5 med A with them.   Since I have those quals they'll...
  3. Dale Turner

    Med Tech Retention

    RN RPN,      You are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the medical branch and I appreciate all the good advice that you've given in the past.   How ever I don't appreciate being accused of being part of the problem when it comes to training at my unit.    The thread asked for ways and...
  4. Dale Turner

    How to get family on board

    Amber,     Just a suggestion for telling your parents, sit them down, make sure there are no distractions for you or them and tell them from the beginning how you came to your decision and how committed to that decision you already are. You might be surprised. Once you put together a well...
  5. Dale Turner

    Infantry Courses.

    You'll have to forgive me. This past training year has muted my memory. Cheers again for the info. ;D
  6. Dale Turner

    Med Tech Retention

    Where do I begin?!!! ::)         After being a reserve Med A or Med tech for four years I've had the opportunity to watch my part time passion grind to a screeching halt. I've learned that every single year the reserve Fd Ambs are so concentrated on getting the MCSP completed and the BTLS now...
  7. Dale Turner

    Infantry Courses.

    Thanks for the reply :salute: Good thing I've already done PLQ. Just clears the way for DP2A. By the way are you in Cambridge or Kitchener? Cheers.
  8. Dale Turner

    Can reserve medics be attached to a Combat Arms unit?

    medic2ic,     Thanks for the advice. :salute: The commute for me isn't quite 11hrs but it is enough to put a serious constraint on the number of times I'd be able to parade at my home unit due to my civy job as a paramedic and getting off work on time to travel etc.  But alas my CO is trying...
  9. Dale Turner

    Infantry Courses.

    I am remustering to the infantry and will probably have to take several infantry courses to "catch myself up" . I'll need to complete BIQ for sure. Now the sticky part is that I work full time and will need to know how long these courses are in order to make the appropriate arrangements for time...
  10. Dale Turner

    Can reserve medics be attached to a Combat Arms unit?

    Just an update in case anyone was interested..     My request to transfer as a medic to an infantry unit has been denied.  I was told that if it was alright with the CO of the infantry unit I could occasionally parade with them....Not good enough....The reasoning behind the decision is that...
  11. Dale Turner

    Can reserve medics be attached to a Combat Arms unit?

    Medic2ic,     I'm in the process of being attached to my local infantry unit from my not so local Fd Amb unit.  From what I can gather is the same as what everyone else has posted however you may still be required to attend some training at the Fd Amb.      I'll let you know how my...
  12. Dale Turner

    Tactical Assesment for Non medical personnel

    Just my two cents... One of the first things we are taught whether you're Reg or Res is scene safety. That being said "scene safety" is becoming a relative concept. In a combat sit. we as medics are just as responsible to make the scene safe as our infantry collegues are. You cant effectively...
  13. Dale Turner

    What is your military status?

    :warstory: Army reserve Med A with 23 Fd Amb in Hamilton, Ont. MCpl with 4 yrs. experience with various exercises under my belt. :salute:
  14. Dale Turner

    CFMG becoming more "clinical"?

    Again, I'm not saying that continued education is a bad thing. I 100% agree we in the medical field NEED to learn something new every single day to stay proficient in our trade.  And you're right learning how to be a medic in the "bush" is not necessarilly the best learning environment.  What...
  15. Dale Turner


    I'm a medic in the reserves.  I know that most people remuster out of the infantry to go to another trade.  I took my PLQ last summer with mostly infantry and most of them went on to DP2B right after our PLQ graduation.  That's what hooked me was Mod 6. The recce patrol and section attacks were...
  16. Dale Turner


    I'm looking at the possibility of remustering to the infantry from my current trade.  Now I dont have any infantry courses only my PLQ.  What's my chances of remustering and having only my leaf taken away? And if there is anybody that may have some info on what courses I'll have to take ie; all...
  17. Dale Turner

    CFMG becoming more "clinical"?

    I think you misunderstood what I meant by "clinical".  The way it was explained to me was that as medics we would no longer be deployed on exercicses to the field we would only be used in the UMS/BMS setting. That all we would be doing would be is training in a controlled, air conditioned...
  18. Dale Turner

    CFMG becoming more "clinical"?

    Armymedic, I know that you in the regs have it a bit different than us reservists but our jobs cant be all that dissimilar.......can they?   So to your understanding you are still being utilized to provide med coverage for FTX's and other in field deployments and taskings? And being more...
  19. Dale Turner

    CFMG becoming more "clinical"?

    Just curious if any body can explain to me what is meant by the trade of being a medic in the Canadian Forces is becoming more "clinical"?   I'm hearing this term a lot now and I'm not 100% sure what it means.   Being more clinical has the flavour of only practicing our trade in a controlled...
  20. Dale Turner

    Thinking about the Infantry Attack

    Trust me you'd be able to find A LOT medics who'd love to be attached to a unit who would employ them in the support role of a 12 man section attack.  If we could just rub off those pesky red crosses!!!