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  1. Dale Turner

    Primary Reserve List (PRL)

    I'm not sure if thats a LFWA thing but TAMA is still being paid in Ontario. I live an hour away from my home unit and get paid the mileage. There's probably some other reason they're giving you a hard time.
  2. Dale Turner

    What does a PLQ mean anymore?

    I have NO experience with the armd corps however I do have experience with the PLQ and being a MCPL. I understand the lack of enthusiasm you have for the job you just left after being promised a "better" job. But like you said your a soldier and you've gotta do the job your tasked with. After...
  3. Dale Turner

    Aeromedevac Course

    Ok, Duh I got it. ::) Luckily we did'nt have any no duff emergencies. But I almost became a real casualtiy during our rapid decompression. I ran out of O2 in my walk around bottle and I couldn't recharge my tank whilst someone was refilling theirs.  :-X DT
  4. Dale Turner

    Aeromedevac Course

    I may need to clear my ears again but I'm not familiar with "no duff 6 bells"  :-\ I was apparently the first "Pt." to hang himself on the honeybucket for one of the scenerios while on our strat eval flight though.  ;D DT
  5. Dale Turner

    Aeromedevac Course

    Hey gang, Just got back from my airmedevac course. Awesome course. If you can get on by all means take this course. When it comes to equipment all I can say is the more things change the more they stay the same. Most of the kit Medicineman indicated is STILL being used. Save for the Alaris...
  6. Dale Turner

    Armed Medics

    Ok thanks for that. It's too bad that we have to be afraid of legal repraisals, physical harm or death because of the GC.  If the GC was deemed unnecessary then we would only have to worry about the latter two. ;D
  7. Dale Turner

    Armed Medics

    I have to admit I've learned more about the GC on this thread than I have in my 5 yrs in the CF. ;D I'd just like to have something clarified though. If a medical facility is responsible for it's own protection ie; sentries, are we not then putting medics in a position that they will have to...
  8. Dale Turner

    Armed Medics

    Unfortunately a lot of units have been subject to a lot of different medics with a lot of different interpretations of what their role is in the big picture and about the GC in general. Some may be all for sentry duties/pickets etc. others feel that they should be left alone until sick parade in...
  9. Dale Turner

    Qualifications...are we or are we not.

    I agree with everything you posted. But about the transport issue... If I'm providing no duff medical care to a seriously injured casualty(ies) and I'm providing my civ ACP skill sets how will the transfer of care take place? I may be more medically qualified to carry on care of the casualty...
  10. Dale Turner

    AirEvac Equipment

    I know it doesn't help you now but I'm going on the aeromedevac course in Apr 06. I have no idea what kind of equipment/procedures etc. that aeromedevac utilises but I'll let you know when I'm done. DT
  11. Dale Turner

    Civy Medic vs. Army Medic

    future medic,  Here's some answers to your quections. I'm not sure what the recruiter means by you becoming an "independant" once your a Cpl with clinical experience but... once you get done your BMQ and SQ courses then you go on your QL3 course which if you are a PCP you might get some of it...
  12. Dale Turner

    All Things Paul Franklin (merged)

    Best wishes from 23 (Hamilton) Fd Amb :salute:
  13. Dale Turner


    Where I work (Waterloo, Ont) there really is no standard of BTLS or PHTLS. It seems as long as you've graduated from a college you're good to get hired as a PCP. Some of us have taken BTLS courses and some have taken PHTLS. Just as long as all the steps are completed and nothing's been missed...
  14. Dale Turner

    Armed Medics

    Just my 2 cents, and I think everyone has touched on it during this thread. The GC is slowly on its way out of being a relevant convention that respectable countries and republics will honour and obey. It's kind of pointless to be flashing our red cross if it just makes it easier for the enemy...
  15. Dale Turner

    The Blood Pressure Superthread

    Dont worry about your first CF express test. Like the instructor said it was probably just nerves. I suggest that before you have your pulse and BP checked you either sit or lie down for a good 5-10 min. and when they call your name dont jump up and get all excited. ;D FYI normal BP varies from...
  16. Dale Turner

    Tactical combat casualty care ( TCCC )

    See what I mean? ;D Maybe tourniquet usage SHOULD be taught during QL3 or PHTLS. Thanks RN RPN DT
  17. Dale Turner

    Tactical combat casualty care ( TCCC )

    Armymedic, Good point re; tourniquets however some medics dont even have a good working knowledge of tourniquet use. Do you know of any plans of aquiring proper tourniquets. I'm sure our regular IV tourniquets will work in a pinch but like you said why not use the best kit available.
  18. Dale Turner

    Looking to remuster to Medic

    Yeah, I thought about that afterwards. Have you applied at Conestoga yet? You also might want to get your F class drivers license while your waiting. If/when you get in to the program you'll need to get paired up with a preceptor, I work for Waterloo EMS so pm me when you get to that point and...
  19. Dale Turner

    Looking to remuster to Medic

    Just out of curiosity what difference does it make what kind of FA/CPR course (besides the infant/child AR/CPR portion) you take. As a medic your QL3 supercedes any FA course you have. Especially now that PHTLS is replacing BTLS. DT
  20. Dale Turner

    Tactical combat casualty care ( TCCC )

    I agree whole heartedly, the TCCCC should be a CF standard course just like FA is or SHARP is. The problem in the reserve world is that we're so busy keeping ourselves qualified with MCSP and trying to fit some ex's in there as well that there is no time to a) take the course/instructor...