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  1. CDNBlackhawk

    Voluntary Release Questions

    I Suggest you think long and hard about VRing, I VR for peronal family reasons 2 years ago and i regretted it beyond belief and when i reapplied a year later it took me 13 months to get an offer, What are your reasons for VRing, Thing tend to get only better after Basic, dont let Basic be...
  2. CDNBlackhawk

    Can i Switch in Battle School?

    yes you can change trades dureing basic training providing their is an opening in the trade you want to go in, Generally around the 4th week they will come to you all asking if you would like to change trades or not. You put in a Request and it will either be accepted or turned down. Have fun.
  3. CDNBlackhawk

    Time Off

    ya its Hilarious untill its you crying eh.
  4. CDNBlackhawk

    Goodbye Army.ca

    sounds like you enjoyed it good on ya
  5. CDNBlackhawk

    So who starts in 2 weeks

    I start Basic training August 31st in St Jean Quebec, and was wondering who else might be going at that time or around that time. I found out a few days ago that my buddy got his call on thursday and is going August 31st also. Also who alll is being sworn in on August 19th  a CFRC Toronto...
  6. CDNBlackhawk

    Time Off

    isnt it only one weeknd per month for reservists anyways,
  7. CDNBlackhawk

    CadPat and BMQ

    Thanks for the replys the only reason i asked the question originally was because i was under the impression that all recruites at BMQ were issued OD's, but when i saw Da_Bull and his group all fitted for CadPat i was like.. hmm maybe they have changed it or maybe they were just an exception...
  8. CDNBlackhawk

    CadPat and BMQ

    It would be so much easier if they just issued everyone CadPat, right from the get go
  9. CDNBlackhawk

    CadPat and BMQ

    Probably in the wrong section, But i just noticed that Da_Bull was wearing his Ca Pat Combates at his BMQ graduation http://army.ca/cgi-bin/album.pl?photo=Members/raph1.jpg Are they now issueing everyone CADPAT dureing Basic training?
  10. CDNBlackhawk

    Last day as a civilian

    congrats and good luck, i have 8 days till civillian life is over and a new chapter begins in my life :gunner: :akimbo: :flame: :mg: :sniper: :cam: :rocket:
  11. CDNBlackhawk

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    Military personel can break their contract, but its a Lengthy process usually, A police man can quit and get severance anytime but are not sent to combat zones. When a Military Man or Woman runs away from their job, friends and country after they willfuly signed up for that job is somthing...
  12. CDNBlackhawk

    target practice

    hahaha an excellent moto
  13. CDNBlackhawk

    target practice

    it was a typo, but at least the numbers are correct....lol
  14. CDNBlackhawk

    target practice

    Bah my mistake, it still nato standard thou
  15. CDNBlackhawk

    target practice

    a .308 which is somthing like 5.65 mm nato standard will be an excellent firearm to practice your shooting with, its kick isnt huge and its a good all round rifle. you will need an unresricted firearms liscence for this firearm.
  16. CDNBlackhawk

    When will I start???

    some people get their offer 3 months after they first apply, some take 6 months mine tool 13 months because of VFS i have heard others taking up to 2 years to enroll, the best thing to do is go in speak with a recruiter, and apply, just because you are given an offer does not mean you must...
  17. CDNBlackhawk

    After BMQ

    Forgive me if i am asking the same question, i am just want to confrim what i think i am undertanding. SQ and Battle school are both done in Meaford for RCR and they both are approx 10 weeks long. also do they normally give a week or so off between basic and sq  and sq and battle school? thanks
  18. CDNBlackhawk

    Joining the Military books

    I wouldnt waste your hard earned money on books on how to prepare for basic training. Just work out regulary, conisting of weights and cardio. Also mentaly prepare yourself for being away. Practice ironing and folding cloths, if you want go look for ranks and learn them before you go. other...
  19. CDNBlackhawk

    Suspended For Wearing Bullet

    Personally i think thats Bull S*&T that you got suspended, the round was obviously hollowed out and had nothing in it that could be used to be fired with. Schools these days are so damn anal about everything, christ you cant even play some sports now because they are to "VIOLENT"
  20. CDNBlackhawk

    Any Hunters on board?

    Any Hunters here that are from petawawa? The reason i asked, is because that is where i will be heading once i am done my training! I want to find out how the hunting is in that area, and how good the deer, moose and bear are! thanks