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  1. Pte.Butt

    Cpl. Nathan Hornburg Killed in Afghanistan- 25 Sept/07

    http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/6_1_1.asp?id=2266 RIP Soldier! ''And when he gets to Heaven, to St.Peter, he will tell, ''One more Soldier Reporting Sir!, I've served my time in hell''  :salute: :cdn:
  2. Pte.Butt

    November 2007 BMQ

    If this is for PRes BMQ, then I would assume it varies between units, but mine starts on the 27th I believe. Hope this help!
  3. Pte.Butt

    Making a Canadian Forces tribute video for School! (I would like some help)

    Thank you for the quick replys everyone! I got exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!
  4. Pte.Butt

    Making a Canadian Forces tribute video for School! (I would like some help)

    This certainly helps!. I still need the pictures above all. Thank you anyways I appreciate it.
  5. Pte.Butt

    Making a Canadian Forces tribute video for School! (I would like some help)

    Hello all! I am making a CF tribute video for school. I plan on having the pictures(with details I.E. Name, rank, cause of death) of each Canadian Soldier who has unfortunately been killed in Afghanistan. I have search on Google and have found no page containing what I am looking for. If anyone...
  6. Pte.Butt

    manual gear vehicle

    Ahh! I see, thanks alot!
  7. Pte.Butt

    manual gear vehicle

    I had the chance to play around on a HLWSV here in St.John's, on Canadian Forces day. I remember there being a 5 gear stick shift in the cab? Perhaps there are different variants? (this was before I was recruted  ;) )
  8. Pte.Butt

    Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

    Yeah I enjoyed watching it!
  9. Pte.Butt

    How to get family on board

    With parental consent that is! I forgot to mention that in my previous post!
  10. Pte.Butt

    How to get family on board

    You need to be at least 18 years of age, to join any branch of the Canadian Forces. ;)
  11. Pte.Butt

    Australian Navy pays for breast enlargements

    Well, by this I mean, not sure if they would fund a sex change over a lazer eye surgery. Sorry, I should have worded what I had typed a little better.
  12. Pte.Butt

    Australian Navy pays for breast enlargements

    When I was in Air Cadets, my officers told me that the CF wouldn't fund lazer eye surgery, but they would do a sex change to make you feel more comfortable about your sexual orientation! Not sure how much truth there is to this, but I found it funny either way!
  13. Pte.Butt

    Australian Navy pays for breast enlargements

    I find the irony of someone being named ''Stubbs'' to specialize in penis enlargement, to be rather funny!  :o
  14. Pte.Butt

    Russia tests powerful 'dad of all bombs'

    Correct me if I am wrong, but thats about a 1/3 of a kilometer, wouldn't this be comparable to the Halifax explosion of that French Naval ship in 1917? If so, this is a frightening bomb, though Nuclear weapons seem for more horrible.
  15. Pte.Butt

    The Real Reason for Dog and Pony Shows

    I'll take the highlighted part as a compliment!  ;D Maybe I grew up in home that was pretty strict when it came to violence, I had a mother who wouldn't even let me watch Power Rangers, I had to buy my first paintball gun second hand because I couldn't buy a new one, at my young age I need an...
  16. Pte.Butt

    The Real Reason for Dog and Pony Shows

    This is true, and I totally agree, but in general the parents(baby boomer's) of Canada today grew up in an era where our Military was at it's lowest peak, and the parents are either A) Uneducated about our military, or be B) are unaware of such a Military power.   This generation of children...
  17. Pte.Butt

    The Real Reason for Dog and Pony Shows

    The problem is, in this day and age lots of parents see the Military as a bad thing, and our tools of the trade (rifles) to be the key of death. Generally, Canadians are uneducated about our armed forces. Negative propaganda from amature journalist and TV reporters etc... certainly doesn't aid...
  18. Pte.Butt

    The Real Reason for Dog and Pony Shows

    I think letting Elementary students handle rifles, was a little far and I can understand why some parents would be angry, but showing off the Army to them and educating them properly about what our soldiers do here in Canada and over seas, in my opinion is appropriate. We need more support even...
  19. Pte.Butt

    Good News!

    haha We sure are! next time you're all in town, beers on me!  :cheers:
  20. Pte.Butt

    Good News!

    Ahh I see, well if you're ever in town, PM me! we're both young blood, and apparently interested in the military!