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Search results

  1. Pte.Butt

    Meet and Greet St. John's!

    This doesn't apply to everyone, but dammit I want my redbull  :P Maybe we could go to a bowling alley? they will serve booze to the adults and non-alcoholic beverages to the youngsters. Theres a pizza served as well, and of course  play a game or two. Pool tables as well. Reserving a lane or two...
  2. Pte.Butt

    Meet and Greet St. John's!

    Good for moi! Hopefully not on the 22nd, thats a Thursday, those of us reservist, know what happens Thursdays!
  3. Pte.Butt


    That is by far, one of the most crazy things I have ever seen. Absolutely amazing how close they where to the cliffs.
  4. Pte.Butt

    Bad Guy Torn Apart

    I believe this is from the game STALKER.
  5. Pte.Butt

    27-28 Oct 07 Anti-War Marches in CAN

    I guess they aren't half as determined as the soldiers who are actually fighting the war. A bit of cold never hurt anyone ;D My personal opinion on this, is it sickens me that there is actually a decent portion of the nation with little to no knowledge about the war, who will protest the war...
  6. Pte.Butt

    Wearing my uniform as a haloween costume

    Very true, didn't think of this. I am probably not going to wear my uniform anyways, but I am still curious of this!
  7. Pte.Butt

    Wearing my uniform as a haloween costume

    I'm pretty sure this is stupid question, but it needed to be asked by someone! Well tonight is a Halloween dance at my high school. Everyone of my friends, including other soldiers seem to have a costume, aside from me. They suggest ''Hey Butt! Why don't you wear your Army uniform?''. Now I am...
  8. Pte.Butt

    Looking for downloadable Canadian Forces in Afghanitsan videos.

    Thank you very much Kyu, lost of useful information! How would I go about asking permission from the Canadian Forces combat camera?
  9. Pte.Butt

    Looking for downloadable Canadian Forces in Afghanitsan videos.

    Thank you very much Douke and Michael O`Leary, I have found a good chunk of what I am looking for, theres still more to find but I'm sure I'll find it on that website. Thanks a lot! - Pte Butt
  10. Pte.Butt

    Looking for downloadable Canadian Forces in Afghanitsan videos.

    I'm going to have to go with the legal content on this one! If you haven't already seen the combat video's of our brothers over seas, I suggest you take a gander, to get a better understanding of what I am looking for. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaC-w2dIxZc this video in particular, would be...
  11. Pte.Butt

    Looking for downloadable Canadian Forces in Afghanitsan videos.

    Thank you, I have seen this before. Sorry I should have been more specific. I need content that isn't in that format that, that particular downloader provides. It gives me a format that isn't really recognized. I need to be able to alter/edit the video to add music, captions, pictures etc...
  12. Pte.Butt

    Looking for downloadable Canadian Forces in Afghanitsan videos.

      I'm sure most of you have seen many of the video's on www.youtube.com featuring our country's finest doing what they do over seas, but none of this content is downloadable. I am looking for these videos in a downloadble state. I am making a video for remembrance day at my highschool. The...
  13. Pte.Butt

    Meet and Greet St. John's!

    If sometime in the near future, this actually happens, count me in! And yes, there will be milk and redbull for everyone on me  ;)
  14. Pte.Butt

    Highway of Heroes Highway Signs Stolen!

    http://toronto.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20071012/heroes_signs_stolen_071012/20071012?hub=TorontoHome This is just sick, these people when/if caught, should answer to each member of the Canadian Forces, and make a live national apology. If they refuse, they should be demoted of Canadian...
  15. Pte.Butt


    Have a good birthday Mike! Hop on the next bus into town, and we can hit-up George St. Of course, I'll we'll drink is beer rootbeer  ;) Have a good one!
  16. Pte.Butt

    RANT - What's the deal with troops at the mall with the small packs on?

    Thanks Vern :)  If you, or one of the DS could remove this thread, go ahead, I will search for what you have posted in the past.
  17. Pte.Butt

    RANT - What's the deal with troops at the mall with the small packs on?

    Just wondering if using your small pack for Civi use is a wise choice? I have friends that use their's, but I have this unsettling feeling if they where to run into a higher up they would be jacked up? I am guessing whereas the Small pack is Military equipment, and for Military use, odds are its...
  18. Pte.Butt

    Best Compliment

    That is truly heartwarming. I guess this a reminder of what we are fighting for if or when the shit poop hits the fan!
  19. Pte.Butt

    Gotta love the CF Mailing system!

    Yeah, from my understanding, late November  :, Thanks alot.
  20. Pte.Butt

    Gotta love the CF Mailing system!

    Hello all! Rewind about  1.5 months and I had just finished my medical, and the recruiting staff told me I would receive a letter in the mail when my file returned in about 3-4 weeks. Now, fast forward about 1.5 months, and I still have not heard anything about my medical file, so I decide to...