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  1. Pte.Butt

    Cpl (Tpr) Richard Renaud - 12e Régiment blindé du Canada - 15 Jan 2008

    This is just @#$%ing lovely  >:(  :( RIP Soldier, you did your job well. Say hello to everyone on the other side. We'll take over from here!  :salute: :cdn:
  2. Pte.Butt

    Cadet Smoking

    It's funny you say that, I just filled in my fitness log sheet for the night  ;D Edit: End of thread hi-jack
  3. Pte.Butt

    Cadet Smoking

    I HIGHLY doubt that any CSTC would allow course or staff cadets smoke. The few courses I was in CFB Greenwood for I had Flt Commanders (Officers) who weren't even allowed to smoke near the complex, it is just policy. Smoking + Cadets = A No No. Now under age smoking in the military is a...
  4. Pte.Butt

    Cadet Smoking

    I always seem to get a kick out of the ''No smoking rule'' while formed up when I was in Cadets. From my understanding smoking in Cadets isn't allowed now, for many reasons (under age, being an organization for kids etc...) but they always stressed that rule. Never really made sense to me why...
  5. Pte.Butt

    drill counting

    I am guessing Cameron15 was in Cadets as he is only 14 and has two years experience. I too noticed that drill differs from my old Cadet Squadron to the military, lots of Cadet Corps/Squadrons teach drill differently, not really sure how or why, but it happens. In my Squadron, when would stand...
  6. Pte.Butt

    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    When I enrollment testing, I told the recruiting staff about my allergies to dust and penicillin, they said it wasn't a problem. Also, during RegF BMQ, theyw ill be giving vaccinations, so I would imagine that they would give Hep A, B, C etc... vaccinations. Just bring a record of all the...
  7. Pte.Butt

    My Story...Just the begining.

    Sounds like you're on the right track! Props to deciding on a hard working, but very rewarding career. What are you trade choices?
  8. Pte.Butt

    Mayday!, Mayday!

    http://www.vocm.com/news-info.asp?id=25901 Wow, thats really something, the crash site is no more then 10 minutes from my home! I'm interested to know what caused the crash. I heard on the radio earlier that it may be an engine failure, and the pilot did an emergency ''Hovering Autorotation''...
  9. Pte.Butt

    Humbling Petawawa tribute!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0T-MINjfRRA&feature=related  :cdn:
  10. Pte.Butt

    Poll on CTV *dot* ca about the LAV-3

    I can think of atleast 10 during the summer here in Newfoundland, which alone doubles said amount of Canadians killed in traffic accidents in Afghanistan.
  11. Pte.Butt

    Poll on CTV *dot* ca about the LAV-3

    Seeing there is thousands of automobile related deaths per year here in Canada, maybe we should rid this country of cars?  ::) On a plus side, it would certainly be better for the environment!
  12. Pte.Butt

    Re: LAV Rollover Kills Two Canadians- January 6 2008

    RIP Brothers, you did your duty well.  :'( :salute: :cdn:
  13. Pte.Butt

    London teen dedicated to peace

    I'll certainly look into this.
  14. Pte.Butt

    London teen dedicated to peace

    Correct me if I am wrong, but we as Military members are not allowed to partake in such event?
  15. Pte.Butt

    London teen dedicated to peace

    This facebook group angers me I have been reading if it for the past 20 mins or so, and all I have witnessed was the same garbage as before, nothing but cheap shots and bull@#$% towards the military. A few people who have posted their own opinion that conflicted with the groups opinion, have...
  16. Pte.Butt

    Gunner Jonathan Dion - 5th Regiment d'Artillerie legere du Canada - 30 Dec. 2007

    RIP Soldier, you have done your duty well  :salute: :cdn: Condolences to the family, it's always tough to hear of another Canadian losing their lives over there, but I cannot imagine how the family's feel. :(
  17. Pte.Butt

    Are you a pet owner?

    Kitties! Meow.  ;D
  18. Pte.Butt

    Man killed by Winnipeg police was former Canadian Forces member: sources

    I am doing so right now. I realize I am out of my lane on this one, and I apologize. I will read up on this, and if I feel I have a better understanding of the topic at hand, and I have something to contribute, I may return to this thread.
  19. Pte.Butt

    Man killed by Winnipeg police was former Canadian Forces member: sources

    It would leave one to think, that Mr.Bell being in the military is completely irrelevant to this incident, and it is just a cheap shot at the military. 
  20. Pte.Butt

    Man killed by Winnipeg police was former Canadian Forces member: sources

    Well, why you are very right, but the point I am arguing, is that he was NEVER over seas, or at least thats what the report says. So never being over seas, would leave one to believe that if he did indeed have PTSD, it's likely from another event/experience and probably has nothing to do with...