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  1. Pte.Butt

    Tattoo Photo Thread

        Here is a tattoo I drew up one day, I can't take full credit for it though, as I have seen a similar drawing somewhere on the interwebz. The Army cross swords and ID tags where my idea though. I am not so sure I want to get this as a body feature, but hey I like the drawing. I will sit on...
  2. Pte.Butt

    US soldier launches puppy off a cliff

    I kid you not, I nearly threw up. This isn't the only video of US troops torturing animals I have seen either. This is just sick.
  3. Pte.Butt

    Injured recruits misdiagnosed then dropped by military

    There is such thing called an un-lawful order. This means you cannot be ordered to do something in morel. If you are injured, to the point where you can't do a physical activity, then your instructors can notwill not make you do this, you'll go right back to MIR. If these recruits felt they...
  4. Pte.Butt

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    I have zero sympathy for this man. He signed a contract, took his oath, now he has to pay the consequences for deserting his commitment.
  5. Pte.Butt

    CF Issued Junk

    The ballistic eye ware for me, I am sure they provide excellent protection, but fogging and sand paper style scratches are inevitable.
  6. Pte.Butt

    Is that an ELCAN?

    Understood, thanks for clearing that up for me, Silver.
  7. Pte.Butt

    Is that an ELCAN?

    I am out of my lane on this one, but if the sight is zeroed for that weapon, wouldn't the given trajectory caliber not matter?
  8. Pte.Butt

    Thank You, Army.ca, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

    That's funny! That's how I met you! Is this your normal greeting for Jedi's in training?
  9. Pte.Butt

    Tattoo Question: Gun or Soldier?

    http://www.jtf2.forces.gc.ca/en/myths_e.asp I would imagine if tattoo's are A-OK with the JTF2, CSOR would accept it also.
  10. Pte.Butt

    Killing Canadians 'best way': student

    Sorry I meant where he lives... I.E his exact/home address
  11. Pte.Butt

    Killing Canadians 'best way': student

    I think they should let his location in Ontario known, I have plenty of friends that would love to become ''acquainted'' with the man.
  12. Pte.Butt

    Name change - Pte.Butt ----> ButtA

    Name change - Pte.Butt ----> ButtA I felt it was time for a change.
  13. Pte.Butt

    DS Interview - Roy Harding

    Sounds like you have quite the Trooper there!  I guess they really can be man's best friend!  ;)
  14. Pte.Butt

    DS Interview - Roy Harding

    Roy, you sound like the father I always wanted haha! Okay here's another... What types of animals do you encounter while on your walks? Ever feel threatened by any?
  15. Pte.Butt

    Military accepts B.C. man who allegedly boasted of murders, said he was Christ

    Definatly a ''better late then never'' case. All we need is for him to have one of his ''second coming of Christ'' moments, while pinned down by enemy fire in A-Stan.
  16. Pte.Butt

    Military accepts B.C. man who allegedly boasted of murders, said he was Christ

    I am guessing he was aways a bit nutty, and it's alarming how no one in his previous military experience had noticed it.
  17. Pte.Butt

    Military accepts B.C. man who allegedly boasted of murders, said he was Christ

    I think he raising the point that if was he was with the Royal Marines Commando and the SAS, and then joined the Canadian Forces, then it's alarming no one noticed he was was a nutbar until now.
  18. Pte.Butt

    Is this site slow today? Or...

    I found it rather slow yesterday, but it seems fine now.
  19. Pte.Butt

    How to properly 'tab' march

    In the SAS show that viewed on the History Channel, wasn't TAB an acronym for Tactical Advance to Battle? Edited for typo's
  20. Pte.Butt

    Dinner with PM a waste of time: Williams

    It's true, there is no place I'd rather be then here on the rock, but I am also proud to be apart of the greatest country in the world, that represents all that is good.  :cdn: :salute: